Kirsten Gillibrand Has Led the Fight to Maintain Civilian Control of the Military Kirsten Gillibrand Has Led the Fight to Maintain Civilian Control of the Military
As a presidential contender, the New York senator can and should highlight her vital struggles for Pentagon accountability.
Mar 18, 2019 / John Nichols

The Cost of Being a War Resister in Israel The Cost of Being a War Resister in Israel
A 19-year-old Israeli was jailed six times after refusing military service.
Feb 25, 2019 / Rory Fanning

There’s a Lonely Voice in Washington, and It’s Talking Some Sense There’s a Lonely Voice in Washington, and It’s Talking Some Sense
For 15 years, the Committee for the Republic has been a dissenting voice of sanity and civility in Washington.
Feb 12, 2019 / James Carden

The Climate Wall: Q&A With Todd Miller The Climate Wall: Q&A With Todd Miller
There is an inextricable link between border militarization and climate change.
Feb 6, 2019 / Q&A / Will Meyer

The War in Afghanistan Shows the Bankruptcy of Our Foreign-Policy Elite The War in Afghanistan Shows the Bankruptcy of Our Foreign-Policy Elite
It’s clear the United States can’t win, but the “experts” insist on delaying defeat forever.
Jan 31, 2019 / Robert L. Borosage

The Endless Cost of Washington’s Lost Wars The Endless Cost of Washington’s Lost Wars
American forces are engaged in an open-ended war on terror in 80 countries, costing nearly $6 trillion since 2001
Jan 28, 2019 / William J. Astore

The ‘Adults’ in the Room Are the Problem The ‘Adults’ in the Room Are the Problem
Maybe it’s time to think of them as the tools of a military-industrial-congressional complex that continues to serve up endless war.
Dec 27, 2018 / Danny Sjursen

The Trouble With Patrick Shanahan The Trouble With Patrick Shanahan
A 31-year Boeing employee, member of the Boeing Executive Council, and the embodiment of the military-industrial complex will soon be running the Pentagon.
Dec 27, 2018 / John Nichols

The United States Is Building a New Military Base in Okinawa, Despite Overwhelming Local Opposition The United States Is Building a New Military Base in Okinawa, Despite Overwhelming Local Opposition
If Washington doesn’t respect democracy, “the US-Japan alliance is going to be very vulnerable,” the island’s new governor says.
Dec 13, 2018 / Tim Shorrock

Sanders and Warren Are Challenging the Post–Cold War Foreign-Policy Establishment Sanders and Warren Are Challenging the Post–Cold War Foreign-Policy Establishment
It is time to think anew. The United States needs dramatic changes in its policies and the institutions that enforce them.
Dec 11, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel