How Obama Went From Being a Peace Candidate to a War President How Obama Went From Being a Peace Candidate to a War President
Critics call him timid, but the president’s foreign policy has often been too aggressive—even at the risk of our long-term national interests.
Jun 2, 2015 / Feature / Sherle R. Schwenninger

How Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA How Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA
A new cybersecurity elite moves between government and private practice, taking state secrets with them.
May 27, 2015 / Feature / Tim Shorrock

How Much Money Is Too Much for the Pentagon? How Much Money Is Too Much for the Pentagon?
When it comes to the Pentagon’s new spending budget, the answer is not more money.
Mar 26, 2015 / William D. Hartung

It’s Official: The Pentagon Finally Admitted That Israel Has Nuclear Weapons, Too It’s Official: The Pentagon Finally Admitted That Israel Has Nuclear Weapons, Too
After five decades of pretending otherwise, the Pentagon has reluctantly confirmed that Israel does indeed possess nuclear bombs, as well as awesome weapons technology similar to A...
Mar 20, 2015 / William Greider

A Great Country Is One That Can Beat the Bejesus Out of Everyone Else A Great Country Is One That Can Beat the Bejesus Out of Everyone Else
And other myths of American patriotism.
Mar 17, 2015 / Nan Levinson

The Iraq War Strategy 3.0: If You Can’t Win, At Least Make Money The Iraq War Strategy 3.0: If You Can’t Win, At Least Make Money
Iraqis have a saying: “The rug is never sold”—meaning that there’s always more money to be made from any transaction. American defense contractors would agree.
Jan 15, 2015 / Peter Van Buren

How to End Militarized Policing How to End Militarized Policing
We can undo the policies facilitating police violence in Ferguson.
Aug 18, 2014 / Alex S. Vitale