November 17, 1993: The US House of Representatives Approves NAFTA November 17, 1993: The US House of Representatives Approves NAFTA
“The struggle against NAFTA has shown that those harmed by the New World Economy need not be passive victims.”
Nov 17, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

We Need to Fight Again to Stop Fast Track of the Trans-Pacific Partnership We Need to Fight Again to Stop Fast Track of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Fast track is headed back to the Senate.
Jun 22, 2015 / NationAction

What’s the True Cost of Free Trade? What’s the True Cost of Free Trade?
The price for deals like TPP is paid in forced migration and the refugee crises that are rolling around the globe.
Jun 17, 2015 / Column / Gary Younge

If Clinton Is Serious About Economic Populism, She Should Come Out Against Fast Track If Clinton Is Serious About Economic Populism, She Should Come Out Against Fast Track
This is the time to break with Obama, and her own past, by siding with labor, environmentalists, human rights activists.
Apr 17, 2015 / John Nichols

Hillary Clinton’s Soft Populism Is Not Enough Hillary Clinton’s Soft Populism Is Not Enough
Clinton launched her campaign bemoaning inequality and vowing to fight for everyday Americans. Will she follow through?
Apr 12, 2015 / John Nichols

How the ‘Biden Plan’ Will Worsen the Plight of Central American Refugee Children How the ‘Biden Plan’ Will Worsen the Plight of Central American Refugee Children
The vice president is promoting a 2016 budget that deepens the drug-war and free-trade agendas that contributed to the crisis.
Apr 7, 2015 / Laura Carlsen and Foreign Policy In Focus