Neil Gorsuch

Neil Gorsuch protesters

The Democratic Filibuster of Neil Gorsuch Is On The Democratic Filibuster of Neil Gorsuch Is On

Five good reasons why Democrats are right to block Trump’s nominee.

Apr 3, 2017 / Ari Berman

President Donald Trump announces his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

This Weekend, Join a ‘People’s Filibuster’ Against Neil Gorsuch This Weekend, Join a ‘People’s Filibuster’ Against Neil Gorsuch

Protests are planned in cities from San Francisco to Phoenix to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to Portland, Maine.

Mar 31, 2017 / NationAction

Franken Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing

Democrats Need to Call Mitch McConnell’s Bluff and Filibuster Neil Gorsuch Democrats Need to Call Mitch McConnell’s Bluff and Filibuster Neil Gorsuch

If Republicans nuke the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees, they have more to lose than Democrats do.

Mar 31, 2017 / Joshua Holland

Gorsuch and Trump

Russia Is Not the Reason to Block Gorsuch Russia Is Not the Reason to Block Gorsuch

President Trump’s greatest political weakness isn’t his alleged ties to Russia. It’s a cruel policy agenda that the American people overwhelmingly reject.

Mar 28, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Neil Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing

Neil Gorsuch’s Own Testimony Clearly Disqualifies Him Neil Gorsuch’s Own Testimony Clearly Disqualifies Him

The nominee failed to outline even minimal concerns about the GOP’s judicial coup.

Mar 27, 2017 / John Nichols

Schumer DC

Democrats Should Focus More on Jobs, Less on Russia Democrats Should Focus More on Jobs, Less on Russia

The moral horrors of Trump’s policies must be confronted head-on.

Mar 23, 2017 / Robert L. Borosage

Gorsuch Senate Confirmation

Yes, Dems Should Block Gorsuch While the FBI’s Trump Probe Goes on Yes, Dems Should Block Gorsuch While the FBI’s Trump Probe Goes on

Mitch McConnell obstructed not only Obama’s Supreme Court pick but his effort to alert voters about Russian election hacking—inextricably tying these issues together.

Mar 22, 2017 / Joan Walsh

Neil Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing

Neil Gorsuch Is Not Another Scalia. He’s the Next John Roberts. Neil Gorsuch Is Not Another Scalia. He’s the Next John Roberts.

Gorsuch puts a handsome face on an ugly ideology.

Mar 21, 2017 / Ari Berman

Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court Nomination Protest

Call Your Senators and Demand That They Reject Neil Gorsuch Call Your Senators and Demand That They Reject Neil Gorsuch

Unlike Trump’s other appointments, Democrats can filibuster a Supreme Court nominee.

Mar 21, 2017 / NationAction

Neil Gorsuch and Hans von Spakovsky

In E-mails, Neil Gorsuch Praised a Leading Republican Activist Behind Voter Suppression Efforts In E-mails, Neil Gorsuch Praised a Leading Republican Activist Behind Voter Suppression Efforts

Gorsuch’s ties to Hans von Spakovksy suggest a hostility to voting rights.  

Mar 17, 2017 / Ari Berman
