Neil Gorsuch

Trump signing orders

The Real Danger in Trump’s Attacks on Judges The Real Danger in Trump’s Attacks on Judges

He’s repeating the right-wing libel of “judicial overreach”—but he’s also challenging the bedrock principle of judicial supremacy on constitutional questions.

Feb 16, 2017 / Bruce Shapiro

tammy baldwin fierce

Senator Tammy Baldwin Just Destroyed Scott Walker on Twitter Senator Tammy Baldwin Just Destroyed Scott Walker on Twitter

The Wisconsin governor apparently didn’t like it, because he threw a 16-tweet-long tantrum in response.

Feb 3, 2017 / John Nichols

About That Kissinger Quote Neil Gorsuch Likes…

About That Kissinger Quote Neil Gorsuch Likes… About That Kissinger Quote Neil Gorsuch Likes…

A joke? Who was it that said the use of jokes “points the way to their future uses”? It’s Götterdämmerung time.

Feb 3, 2017 / Greg Grandin

Neil Gorsuch

How Far Outside the Legal Mainstream Is Neil Gorsuch? How Far Outside the Legal Mainstream Is Neil Gorsuch?

David Cole on Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Zoë Carpenter on Trump’s actions, and John Nichols on a victory against gerrymandering.

Feb 2, 2017 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

Gorsuch and Trump

Republicans Stole a Supreme Court Seat From Obama—and Are Putting Another Scalia In It Republicans Stole a Supreme Court Seat From Obama—and Are Putting Another Scalia In It

Neil Gorsuch will help Trump wage war on voting rights.

Jan 31, 2017 / Ari Berman
