Ambassador Rahm Emanuel? No, No, a Thousand Times No! Ambassador Rahm Emanuel? No, No, a Thousand Times No!
His Chicago record is disqualifying, as is his history of dogmatic advocacy for neoliberal trade policies that harm workers and human rights.
Mar 23, 2021 / John Nichols

How Can We Revive Herd Immunity to Fascism? How Can We Revive Herd Immunity to Fascism?
There is a clear correlation between the neoliberal onslaught that started in the 1980s and the rise of neofascism and religious fundamentalism.
Feb 19, 2021 / Gilbert Achcar

Larry Summers Is Still Worth Ignoring Larry Summers Is Still Worth Ignoring
Shut out of power, the onetime wunderkind tries to grab the spotlight with an attention-getting argument.
Feb 8, 2021 / Jeet Heer

In India, Farmers Are Resisting Narendra Modi’s Propaganda Machine In India, Farmers Are Resisting Narendra Modi’s Propaganda Machine
The government is using a pliant media and its social-media warriors to paint protesting farmers as secessionists.
Feb 4, 2021 / Ullekh N.P.

Trump Has Left the Building, but the Foundations Are Still in Place Trump Has Left the Building, but the Foundations Are Still in Place
Attention has rightly been paid to his malign influence. But the shift to the right started before his presidency, and promises to continue after it.
Jan 21, 2021 / Rafael Khachaturian

Trump Will Be Gone Soon. Now Comes the Hard Part. Trump Will Be Gone Soon. Now Comes the Hard Part.
Democracy will not survive if we don’t change the ruinous establishment policies—by both parties—that brought the country to this moment.
Jan 13, 2021 / Robert L. Borosage

Anne Applebaum and the Crisis of Centrist Politics Anne Applebaum and the Crisis of Centrist Politics
In her new book, Applebaum attempts to understand why some of her intellectual bedfellows moved to the far right.
Jan 11, 2021 / Books & the Arts / David Klion

Do Not Hire This Man Do Not Hire This Man
Rahm Emanuel’s record of promoting neoliberal policies, attacking progressives and covering up police violence thoroughly disqualifies him.
Dec 3, 2020 / John Nichols

Should Biden Hire Rahm Emanuel? Chicago Says, ‘Never! Never! Never!’ Should Biden Hire Rahm Emanuel? Chicago Says, ‘Never! Never! Never!’
The scandal-plagued neoliberal mayor’s track record is disqualifying, say the officials who know him best.
Nov 18, 2020 / John Nichols

2020 Was the ‘Precarity Election’ 2020 Was the ‘Precarity Election’
Democrats’ failure to address the issue of economic precarity undermines their claim to be the party of the working class.
Nov 13, 2020 / Albena Azmanova and Marshall Auerback