New York City

7 Things We Learned From Thabo Sefolosha’s Trial

7 Things We Learned From Thabo Sefolosha’s Trial 7 Things We Learned From Thabo Sefolosha’s Trial

After the NYPD broke his leg and charged him with resisting arrest, NBA star Thabo Sefolosha cleared his name in court. Here's what we learned.

Oct 12, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Yorgos Lanthimos's 2015 film ‘The Lobster.’

Of Lobsters and Men Of Lobsters and Men

Don DeLillo, the Grateful Dead, and the New York Film Festival.

Oct 5, 2015 / Eric Alterman

The Red Umbrella Project rallies outside City Hall.

Why Do Sex-Work Diversion Programs Fail? Why Do Sex-Work Diversion Programs Fail?

New York’s scheme to divert sex workers from the criminal justice system has often further criminalized them.

Sep 25, 2015 / Michelle Chen

One of New York's high-rise housing projects.

What if You Couldn’t Talk to Your Own Landlord? What if You Couldn’t Talk to Your Own Landlord?

New York City’s Housing Authority has only six employees dedicated to managing language services across the 400,000-tenant system, and only two of them speak Chinese.

Sep 15, 2015 / Michelle Chen

These New York Schools Aren’t Just Letting Kids Opt Out of Testing—They’re Giving Them an Alternative

These New York Schools Aren’t Just Letting Kids Opt Out of Testing—They’re Giving Them an Alternative These New York Schools Aren’t Just Letting Kids Opt Out of Testing—They’re Giving Them an Alternative

Students in the New York Performance Standards Consortium are learning to be critical thinkers, deeply engaged in their education.

Sep 11, 2015 / StudentNation / Howard Martin Katzoff

Rikers Island

Goldman Sachs and Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Investment in Prison Reform Failed. Why Do They Consider It a Success? Goldman Sachs and Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Investment in Prison Reform Failed. Why Do They Consider It a Success?

This is why we shouldn’t expect a financial return on social programs.

Aug 19, 2015 / Michelle Chen

José Martí statue in Central Park NYC

Walking New York With Cuba’s Revolutionary Poet Walking New York With Cuba’s Revolutionary Poet

“Culture is as subtle as air, and like perfume more vaporous than visible,” José Martí said in 1884. “But a sign of culture is a desire for it, and this is New York.”

Aug 12, 2015 / Rosa Miriam Elizalde

NYC garbage trucks

Zero Waste Remains a Dirty Business Zero Waste Remains a Dirty Business

New York and Los Angeles are reforming their waste-management systems, but there’s still a ways to go to clean up the sanitation industry’s labor standards.

Jul 27, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Uber Taxi

Uber Wins a Battle With New York, Now It’s War Uber Wins a Battle With New York, Now It’s War

The fight over NYC’s Uber cap is just the beginning of a deeper struggle over the future of transportation and the gig economy.

Jul 24, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Cuomo and de Blasio

This Is the Real Battle for the Soul of the Democratic Party This Is the Real Battle for the Soul of the Democratic Party

It’s not Bernie vs. Hillary, as the media would have it. It’s de Blasio vs. Cuomo.

Jul 16, 2015 / Column / Eric Alterman
