The NFL Is Desperately Trying to Avoid a Players’ Strike

The NFL Is Desperately Trying to Avoid a Players’ Strike The NFL Is Desperately Trying to Avoid a Players’ Strike

The league is hoping that slogans on the field and a push for voting will be enough to quell another sports strike for racial justice.

Sep 3, 2020 / Dave Zirin

College Football Should Be Totally Shut Down, Even if It Hurts

College Football Should Be Totally Shut Down, Even if It Hurts College Football Should Be Totally Shut Down, Even if It Hurts

Feel for the athletes missing their season, but understand the real game being played.

Aug 18, 2020 / Dave Zirin

Michael Bennett Thinks the NFL Is Starting to Wake Up

Michael Bennett Thinks the NFL Is Starting to Wake Up Michael Bennett Thinks the NFL Is Starting to Wake Up

In his first extended interview since our national uprising against racist violence, Bennett touches on the NFL, the importance of history, and what we can all do to reclaim societ...

Jul 20, 2020 / Dave Zirin

Dan Snyder

Is Dan Snyder Really Changing the Washington Team’s Name? Is Dan Snyder Really Changing the Washington Team’s Name?

He has always said he would never change the name of his team, but “never” is coming up mighty fast. 

Jul 6, 2020 / Dave Zirin

It’s Time for Roger Goodell to Change the Name of the Washington Football Team

It’s Time for Roger Goodell to Change the Name of the Washington Football Team It’s Time for Roger Goodell to Change the Name of the Washington Football Team

As statues topple across the country, it’s time to change the name of the NFL’s most racist brand.

Jun 18, 2020 / Dave Zirin

It’s Time for White NFL Players to Take the Knee

It’s Time for White NFL Players to Take the Knee It’s Time for White NFL Players to Take the Knee

It’s an unmistakable gesture, one that would show that the recent anti-racist statements by white NFL players are not just talk.

Jun 9, 2020 / Dave Zirin

Olympian Gwen Berry to the USOC: ‘Where’s My Apology?’

Olympian Gwen Berry to the USOC: ‘Where’s My Apology?’ Olympian Gwen Berry to the USOC: ‘Where’s My Apology?’

The US Olympic Committee is speaking out against racism. Gwen Berry, who raised her fist on the medal stand in 2018 and was punished, wants to see their words matched with deeds.

Jun 3, 2020 / Dave Zirin

Shut Up and Play, or Shut Up and Die?

Shut Up and Play, or Shut Up and Die? Shut Up and Play, or Shut Up and Die?

Donald Trump and NFL ownership are demanding a 2020 season, health of the players be damned.

May 22, 2020 / Dave Zirin

Trump Wants Sports Back, Safety Be Damned

Trump Wants Sports Back, Safety Be Damned Trump Wants Sports Back, Safety Be Damned

Reopening the National Football League could mean open season on the rest of us.

Apr 24, 2020 / Robert Lipsyte

Trump’s Sports Advisers Represent the Worst of the Sports World

Trump’s Sports Advisers Represent the Worst of the Sports World Trump’s Sports Advisers Represent the Worst of the Sports World

This crew will push to reopen sports with little care for the health and safety of their employees.

Apr 17, 2020 / Dave Zirin
