Paul Ryan

Instead of Paul Ryan’s ‘Robin Hood in Reverse,’ Why Not a Robin Hood Tax?

Instead of Paul Ryan’s ‘Robin Hood in Reverse,’ Why Not a Robin Hood Tax? Instead of Paul Ryan’s ‘Robin Hood in Reverse,’ Why Not a Robin Hood Tax?

The budget conference committee should consider a real alternative to austerity.

Oct 30, 2013 / John Nichols

Paul Ryan’s Choice: Constituents or Koch Brothers?

Paul Ryan’s Choice: Constituents or Koch Brothers? Paul Ryan’s Choice: Constituents or Koch Brothers?

As Ryan met secretly with the billionaire campaign donors, the largest city in his district called for getting corporate cash out of politics.

Aug 22, 2013 / John Nichols

This Week in Poverty: Chairman Ryan and the Real World

This Week in Poverty: Chairman Ryan and the Real World This Week in Poverty: Chairman Ryan and the Real World

At his hearing on the War on Poverty, Paul Ryan demanded evidence about what works to fight poverty—and then promptly ignored it.

Aug 2, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

It’s Time for ‘Poverty in the Trenches’ Hearings

It’s Time for ‘Poverty in the Trenches’ Hearings It’s Time for ‘Poverty in the Trenches’ Hearings

We need a series of hearings to hear from those who are “in the trenches” fighting poverty.

Jul 31, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

[UPDATED] From #Nerdland to Congress?

[UPDATED] From #Nerdland to Congress? [UPDATED] From #Nerdland to Congress?

Congresswoman Barbara Lee asks Chairman Paul Ryan to allow Tianna Gaines-Turner—a Witness to Hunger—to testify at his hearing tomorrow.

Jul 30, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

John Nichols: Time for the Austerity Hawks to Check Their Math

John Nichols: Time for the Austerity Hawks to Check Their Math John Nichols: Time for the Austerity Hawks to Check Their Math

Recent findings from Amherst College deal a major blow to austerity-friendly calculations—which the mathemeticians themselves acknowledge.

May 2, 2013 / Press Room

Paul Ryan’s Austerity Agenda Relies on Bad Math, Coding Errors and a ‘Significant Mistake’

Paul Ryan’s Austerity Agenda Relies on Bad Math, Coding Errors and a ‘Significant Mistake’ Paul Ryan’s Austerity Agenda Relies on Bad Math, Coding Errors and a ‘Significant Mistake’

The House Budget Committee chairman cites a study that says high debt stalls growth—but the economists responsible for the paper admit they made a "significant mistake.&...

Apr 18, 2013 / John Nichols

Take That, Austerity! Outcry and Activism Save 6-Day Mail Delivery

Take That, Austerity! Outcry and Activism Save 6-Day Mail Delivery Take That, Austerity! Outcry and Activism Save 6-Day Mail Delivery

How to fight the austerity agenda? Take a page from this campaign.

Apr 11, 2013 / John Nichols

Americans Want a ‘Back-to-Work’ Alternative to Ryan’s Austerity Scheme

Americans Want a ‘Back-to-Work’ Alternative to Ryan’s Austerity Scheme Americans Want a ‘Back-to-Work’ Alternative to Ryan’s Austerity Scheme

Democrats have an economic duty—and a political opportunity—to counter the House Budget with a robust growth agenda, which Americans favor across the spectrum.

Mar 21, 2013 / John Nichols

This Week: A Tale of Two Budgets This Week: A Tale of Two Budgets

At look at the Ryan budget proposal's devastating implications and the clear, humane alternative proposed by the CPC.

Mar 16, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
