Paul Ryan

Biden and Ryan: The Foreign Policy Gap Biden and Ryan: The Foreign Policy Gap

Ryan's flailing fearmongering at last night's debate will likely fall flat with war-weary voters. 

Oct 12, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss

Richard Milhous Ryan: No Specifics, Just a ‘Secret Plan’ Richard Milhous Ryan: No Specifics, Just a ‘Secret Plan’

Confronted on central premise of GOP campaign—cutting taxes and balancing budgets—Ryan asks voters to “fill in the details” after the election. That’s...

Oct 12, 2012 / John Nichols

For the Veep Debate Drinking Game: ‘Wonk’ For the Veep Debate Drinking Game: ‘Wonk’

Displaying charts are to Ryan the Wonk as clearing brush was to Bush the Cowboy.

Oct 11, 2012 / Leslie Savan

John Nichols: Paul Ryan Is No Champion of American Auto Workers John Nichols: Paul Ryan Is No Champion of American Auto Workers

Paul Ryan claims he’s dedicated to reviving the American auto industry. But his voting record says otherwise. 

Oct 11, 2012 / Press Room

Will Paul Ryan Raise a Bloody Al Qaeda Flag? Will Paul Ryan Raise a Bloody Al Qaeda Flag?

Al Qaeda is nearly gone, and the war in Afghanistan is nearly over. 

Oct 11, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss

Debate Question for Paul Ryan: Which of Mitt’s Many Sides Are You On? Debate Question for Paul Ryan: Which of Mitt’s Many Sides Are You On?

Romney and Ryan's fundamental differences, on everything from reproductive rights to tax cuts, should take center stage at tonight's vice presidential debate. 

Oct 11, 2012 / John Nichols

Biden Should Rip Ryan on Neglect of Hometown Workers Biden Should Rip Ryan on Neglect of Hometown Workers

Romney said, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.” Ryan cast votes that hastened the collape of “Detroit West”—the auto region he represented.

Oct 10, 2012 / John Nichols

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Romney-Ryan Campaign Is Defined by ‘Dodge, Duck and Cover’ Katrina vanden Heuvel: Romney-Ryan Campaign Is Defined by ‘Dodge, Duck and Cover’

Mitt Romney’s lack of specificity in public comes from an understanding that many of his proposals are widely unpopular.

Oct 2, 2012 / Press Room

Perhaps Obama Should Simply Ask Romney to ‘Go Through All the Math’ Perhaps Obama Should Simply Ask Romney to ‘Go Through All the Math’

Paul Ryan told Fox he could not explain GOP economic plans because it would take too much time. But an hour-and-a-half long debate should provide Mitt Romney with enough time to do...

Oct 2, 2012 / John Nichols

The Story of ‘the Stench’ and the Future of the Right The Story of ‘the Stench’ and the Future of the Right

 Why was this act of political "satire" so believable?

Sep 27, 2012 / Leslie Savan
