Peace activism

What Can the Left Do About Trump?

What Can the Left Do About Trump? What Can the Left Do About Trump?

Jim Zirin in conversation with Katrina vanden Heuvel.

Jun 1, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

People’s Climate March

What We Can Learn from Our ‘Radical’ Past What We Can Learn from Our ‘Radical’ Past

The clashes of the past teach us that we must stay committed to a cause bigger than any one person and be willing to fight for years to come.

May 2, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Syrian children display books from the White Helmets

Militarism and Diplomacy Aren’t the Only Options in Syria Militarism and Diplomacy Aren’t the Only Options in Syria

If we want to help Syrians end the war, we need to put them at the center of the conversation.

Apr 26, 2017 / Mariam Elba


Where Is the Elizabeth Warren of Foreign Policy? Where Is the Elizabeth Warren of Foreign Policy?

A challenge to the failed doctrines of the Democratic foreign-policy establishment is long overdue. 

Apr 25, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

London protest against militarism in Syria

Building a New Movement Against Militarism Building a New Movement Against Militarism

As Martin Luther King Jr. noted 50 years ago, you can’t fight militarism unless you also fight racism and materialism.

Apr 12, 2017 / Phyllis Bennis and Stephen Miles

Gaza Strip Reading Activism

Most of Gaza’s Libraries Have Been Closed or Destroyed—and You Can Help a New One Get Off the Ground Most of Gaza’s Libraries Have Been Closed or Destroyed—and You Can Help a New One Get Off the Ground

Public libraries in Gaza hold only 70,000 books for a population of 1.8 million.

Apr 11, 2017 / Katha Pollitt


Syria Strike Follows Washington’s Failed Foreign-Policy Playbook Syria Strike Follows Washington’s Failed Foreign-Policy Playbook

For those who recognize that Trump cannot bomb his way to peace, it is time to revive and mobilize an antiwar movement.

Apr 11, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

hans morgenthau teach in

Teach-Ins Helped Galvanize Student Activism in the 1960s. They Can Do So Again Today. Teach-Ins Helped Galvanize Student Activism in the 1960s. They Can Do So Again Today.

Then as now, the origin of a national political movement was in the initially obscure actions of ordinary individuals.

Apr 6, 2017 / Marshall Sahlins

Fifty Years Later, King’s Warning Still Resonates

Fifty Years Later, King’s Warning Still Resonates Fifty Years Later, King’s Warning Still Resonates

It is time to revive a peace and justice movement calling for the United States to stop its endless wars and turn its resources and attention to rebuilding our own country.

Apr 4, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Reviving the Peace Movement for the 21st Century: Responses to Daniel May

Reviving the Peace Movement for the 21st Century: Responses to Daniel May Reviving the Peace Movement for the 21st Century: Responses to Daniel May

Peace advocates consider how the movement can be revitalized for the 21st century.

Mar 22, 2017 / William D. Hartung, Diana Ohlbaum, Lawrence Wittner, Meredith Horowski, and Debbie Almontaser
