Peace activism

Why It Matters That Norman Finkelstein Just Got Arrested Outside the Israeli Consulate

Why It Matters That Norman Finkelstein Just Got Arrested Outside the Israeli Consulate Why It Matters That Norman Finkelstein Just Got Arrested Outside the Israeli Consulate

Passionate American opposition to Israeli policy has rarely been more important.

Jul 29, 2014 / Michelle Goldberg

We Denounced the Israel Lobby Back in 1976

We Denounced the Israel Lobby Back in 1976 We Denounced the Israel Lobby Back in 1976

Early warnings of an American policy in thrall to the Israeli right.

Jul 1, 2014 / Richard Kreitner

Seeking Justice—or At Least the Truth—for ‘Comfort Women’

Seeking Justice—or At Least the Truth—for ‘Comfort Women’ Seeking Justice—or At Least the Truth—for ‘Comfort Women’

A growing global movement is ensuring that if the Japanese government won’t hold itself accountable for its crimes against women, then history will.

Jun 25, 2014 / Christine Ahn and Foreign Policy In Focus

Bowe Bergdahl and the Honorable History of War Deserters

Bowe Bergdahl and the Honorable History of War Deserters Bowe Bergdahl and the Honorable History of War Deserters

The hateful commentary about the soldier’s return is motivated by fear of what his so-called desertion reveals.

Jun 5, 2014 / Richard Kreitner

Jonathan Schell, Eloquent Champion of Nonviolence

Jonathan Schell, Eloquent Champion of Nonviolence Jonathan Schell, Eloquent Champion of Nonviolence

He made it clear that on matters of conscience, inaction is unacceptable.

Apr 2, 2014 / The Editors

What Jonathan Schell Taught Us About the Power of Nonviolence

What Jonathan Schell Taught Us About the Power of Nonviolence What Jonathan Schell Taught Us About the Power of Nonviolence

What he gave us was so beautiful, so significant, so strong.

Apr 2, 2014 / Rebecca Solnit

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: The Horrific Legacy of the Invasion of Iraq

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: The Horrific Legacy of the Invasion of Iraq This Week in ‘Nation’ History: The Horrific Legacy of the Invasion of Iraq

Iraqis continue to suffer, as much as ever, the fallout from this country’s callous lies and avoidable mistakes.

Mar 15, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Celebrating Pete Seeger

Celebrating Pete Seeger Celebrating Pete Seeger

Bruce Springsteen said it best, on Pete’s ninetieth birthday: “You outlasted the bastards, man.”

Jan 29, 2014 / John Nichols

Pete Seeger’s Biggest Day

Pete Seeger’s Biggest Day Pete Seeger’s Biggest Day

In a life of memorable moments, one of the most important was the day Seeger sang “Give Peace a Chance” with half a million people.

Jan 28, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: Our Nobel Peace Prize–Winning Writers (and One Editor)

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: Our Nobel Peace Prize–Winning Writers (and One Editor) This Week in ‘Nation’ History: Our Nobel Peace Prize–Winning Writers (and One Editor)

Former staff editor Emily Greene Balch's 1946 Peace Prize win “recognized how much private citizens can contribute to the conditions for international peace.”

Oct 12, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
