Peace activism

Four Dead in Ohio Four Dead in Ohio

Today is the 39th anniversary of the killings of four student antiwar protesters at Kent State University.

May 4, 2009 / StudentNation / The Nation

Falcon of Peace Falcon of Peace

Doves always lose. We need to grow claws.

Mar 12, 2009 / Tom Engelhardt

Rage Is Good Rage Is Good

Demonstrations April 4 calling Wall Street to account could help progressive populism come alive in America. Obama and Congress need the pressure.

Mar 6, 2009 / Tom Hayden

Partial Peace, Looming War Partial Peace, Looming War

The peace movement claims victory with Obama's promise to pull US troops from Iraq by 2011. But elsewhere in a volatile world, a long war looms.

Mar 1, 2009 / Tom Hayden

Jim Harney, 1940-2008 Jim Harney, 1940-2008

Guided by the principles of liberation theology, he devoted his life to the pursuit of peace and social justice.

Feb 6, 2009 / Laura Foner and David Weinstein

Grieving Over Gaza Grieving Over Gaza

Some of us, as Israelis, are grieving over what we have become. Blaming the other side with a roster of rehearsed clichés cannot mitigate the grief.

Jan 14, 2009 / Anat Biletzki

Vision for a New Foreign Policy Vision for a New Foreign Policy

As a new president takes charge, it is time to talk together, to walk together and to work together. It is the only time we have.

Jan 6, 2009 / Cora Weiss

Undecided Progressives: Make the Difference for Obama Undecided Progressives: Make the Difference for Obama

Thinking of casting a symbolic vote for Nader or some other third-party progressive? Think again.

Oct 8, 2008 / Tom Hayden

Ahmadinejad Sees (Code) Pink Ahmadinejad Sees (Code) Pink

The Iranian president encounters members of US peace groups and religious organization.

Sep 25, 2008 / Feature / Joseph Huff-Hannon

The Problem Is Empire The Problem Is Empire

The challenge to the peace movement is not to liberalize the empire; the task is to peacefully and steadily bring it to an end--and make democracy safe for the world.

Sep 2, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Tom Hayden
