Dorothy Day Dorothy Day
In the final days of Rudy Giuliani's term as mayor of New York, three months after the heroism of 9/11, he quietly approved a politically wired project to build twenty-five mul...
Jul 2, 2003 / Feature / Wayne Barrett and Chris Barrett
Bella Abzug Bella Abzug
"I've been described as a tough noisy woman--a prizefighter--a man-hater...a Jewish mother with more complaints than Portnoy.
Jul 2, 2003 / Feature / Patricia Bosworth
Guns or Butter Guns or Butter
"Our job is to make sure that the labor movement talks about how the militarization of US foreign policy hurts workers at home."
May 28, 2003 / Feature / Bob Muhlenkamp
Pre-empting Protest Pre-empting Protest
The Peace Corps is feeling the fallout from Bush Administration policies.
May 16, 2003 / Feature / Sasha Polakow-Suransky
The Unconquerable World The Unconquerable World
Violence, Hannah Arendt said, destroys power. The United States is moving quickly down this path.
May 6, 2003 / Feature / Jonathan Schell
Of Courage and Resistance Of Courage and Resistance
At the center of our moral life are the great stories of those who have said no.
Apr 17, 2003 / Feature / Susan Sontag
What We Do Now What We Do Now
As the Bush Administration continues its illegal and unjust military invasion of Iraq, we must steel ourselves for the difficult days that lie ahead.
Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / David Cortright
Response 1 Response 1
David Cortright has laid out many aspects of an agenda to help the US peace movement move from the immediate work of trying to stop this war, to continuing to broaden the reach...
Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / Phyllis Bennis and John Cavanagh
Response 2 Response 2
The war is just two weeks old, yet the Bush Administration has accomplished the unprecedented isolation of the United States worldwide, even from several of its historic allies...
Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / Bill Fletcher Jr.
Response 3 Response 3
Ifind David Cortright's call useful but limiting. The most exciting aspect of the antiwar organizing has been its global reach.
Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / Medea Benjamin