Adults Think Black Girls Are Older Than They Are—and It Matters Adults Think Black Girls Are Older Than They Are—and It Matters
A new study found that, starting at age 5, black girls are viewed by adults as behaving and seeming older than they actually are.
Jul 6, 2017 / Collier Meyerson

Charleena Lyles Was Killed by a Police Department Under a Consent Decree Charleena Lyles Was Killed by a Police Department Under a Consent Decree
The untimely death of a 30-year-old woman demonstrates the obvious need for more scrutiny of police, not less.
Jun 23, 2017 / Collier Meyerson

The Police Officer Who Killed Philando Castile Is Found Not Guilty The Police Officer Who Killed Philando Castile Is Found Not Guilty
Even a liberal enclave like the one Castile lived in, even having a licensed gun, like Castile had, cannot bring worth to a black man’s life in the eyes of our racist jus...
Jun 16, 2017 / Collier Meyerson

A Rally for Colin Kaepernick—and Free Speech A Rally for Colin Kaepernick—and Free Speech
People are putting the NFL on notice over its treatment of Colin Kaepernick.
May 30, 2017 / Dave Zirin and Brandon Jordan

How to Join the Fight Against Texas’s Racist Immigration Law How to Join the Fight Against Texas’s Racist Immigration Law
Activists will gather at the Texas State Capitol this Monday—and they’re asking for everyone’s support.
May 26, 2017 / NationAction

The Case Against ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Bills The Case Against ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Bills
Hate-crimes laws make sense for groups that have been historically discriminated against. Police officers don’t qualify.
May 23, 2017 / Collier Meyerson

Sheriff David Clarke Is Determined to Suspend Habeas Corpus and Shred the Bill of Rights Sheriff David Clarke Is Determined to Suspend Habeas Corpus and Shred the Bill of Rights
The right-wing extremist’s disregard for the Constitution is well documented, and now he’s reportedly joining Trump’s DHS.
May 18, 2017 / John Nichols

Los Angeles Residents Start to Organize Against the Olympic Bid Los Angeles Residents Start to Organize Against the Olympic Bid
The US Olympic Committee wants the 2024 Olympics in Los Angeles. It won’t happen quietly.
May 8, 2017 / Dave Zirin and Jules Boykoff

Another Black Boy Was Killed by Police. Will Justice Be Done This Time? Another Black Boy Was Killed by Police. Will Justice Be Done This Time?
Every time a black person dies at the hands of a police officer, there’s a glimmer of hope that the police will be held accountable. Almost every time, that hope is in vain.
May 5, 2017 / Collier Meyerson

‘We Must Actively Stand Up’: John Angelos’s Response to Racism at Fenway Park ‘We Must Actively Stand Up’: John Angelos’s Response to Racism at Fenway Park
The Baltimore Orioles COO has had enough of racism at the ballpark and enough of a society that is breeding more and more hate.
May 2, 2017 / Dave Zirin