Presidential Candidates

Samson Bringing Down the Temple

Trump Embraces the Samson Option Trump Embraces the Samson Option

Inciting violence may not win Trump the election. But it still advances his agenda.

Aug 31, 2020 / Jeet Heer

President Trump stands behind lectern on RNC stage.

How Trump Betrays the Working People Who Elected Him How Trump Betrays the Working People Who Elected Him

The president is trying to con his supporters once more.

Aug 25, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Biden and Kamala walking in front of an American flag

Progressives, Get Ready to Push Biden and Harris Progressives, Get Ready to Push Biden and Harris

Putting a Biden-Harris administration in power will not guarantee the change this country needs.

Aug 18, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Ambition of Kamala Harris Will Serve America Well

The Ambition of Kamala Harris Will Serve America Well The Ambition of Kamala Harris Will Serve America Well

Malleable and driven, Joe Biden’s running mate will adapt to the emerging crisis.

Aug 12, 2020 / Jeet Heer

Biden’s Running Mate Matters. So Does His Cabinet.

Biden’s Running Mate Matters. So Does His Cabinet. Biden’s Running Mate Matters. So Does His Cabinet.

His choices provide a chance to reimagine the leadership we need.

Aug 4, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Why Biden May Follow Through on a Bolder Agenda

Why Biden May Follow Through on a Bolder Agenda Why Biden May Follow Through on a Bolder Agenda

Unprecedented times might sway his moderate tendencies.

Jul 28, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Barbara Lee Would Make a Great Vice Presidential Nominee

Barbara Lee Would Make a Great Vice Presidential Nominee Barbara Lee Would Make a Great Vice Presidential Nominee

Adding an anti-war progressive with Lee’s record to the ticket would energize the base and appeal to disengaged and disenchanted voters.

Jul 3, 2020 / John Nichols

Trump in front of an American flag

Time to Fundamentally Rethink What Trump Means by Security Time to Fundamentally Rethink What Trump Means by Security

The challenge for his successor will be how to dig out from the rubble.

Jun 2, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Donald Trump speaks at White House

It’s Trump’s Party Now—and Will Be Even After He’s Gone It’s Trump’s Party Now—and Will Be Even After He’s Gone

While Trump emits his own unique forms of venom, he is a reflection of, not a contrast to, today’s Republican Party.

May 19, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Most Consequential Decision of Biden’s 2020 Campaign

The Most Consequential Decision of Biden’s 2020 Campaign The Most Consequential Decision of Biden’s 2020 Campaign

Democrats really can’t waste the VP slot this time.

May 1, 2020 / John Nichols
