Presidential Primary

Beto O'Rourke

Why I’m Glad Beto O’Rourke Is Running Why I’m Glad Beto O’Rourke Is Running

And why Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum should run, as well.

Mar 14, 2019 / John Nichols

Stacey Abrams Georgia governor's race

Why Progressive Insurgents Aren’t Waiting for Permission to Run for Office Why Progressive Insurgents Aren’t Waiting for Permission to Run for Office

For too long, the homogeneity of our candidates has suppressed important voices.

Mar 12, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Hillary Clinton at the DNC

Democrats Need to Think Big for 2020 Democrats Need to Think Big for 2020

A safe candidate who seems “electable” might be anything but.

Feb 26, 2019 / Robert L. Borosage

Howard Schultz book tour

Howard Schultz Has Nothing to Say Howard Schultz Has Nothing to Say

He has no ideas to confront the real problems facing America, just a lot of dollars and a big ego. 

Feb 12, 2019 / Robert L. Borosage

Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Says Her Campaign Is ‘For the People’ Kamala Harris Says Her Campaign Is ‘For the People’

The problem is that the phrase, a longtime favorite of prosecutors, has a divisive and troubled history.

Feb 5, 2019 / Jocelyn Simonson

Kamala Harris campaign rally

Black Culture Won’t Save Kamala Harris Black Culture Won’t Save Kamala Harris

After eight years of Obama’s winks and nods, the code-switching playbook has been played out. 

Jan 28, 2019 / Aaron Ross Coleman

Sherrod Brown Re-election

Sherrod Brown Is the Real Deal—Could He Win It All in 2020? Sherrod Brown Is the Real Deal—Could He Win It All in 2020?

What’s the Ohio senator’s greatest appeal among grassroots Democrats? Authenticity, with a long track record of defending workers and fighting Wall Street and corporate power.

Jan 11, 2019 / William Greider


Why the Ideas Primary Matters Why the Ideas Primary Matters

What’s important now is to hold the media accountable for reporting on the substance of the ideas fairly, not simply on the glitz and gossip of the campaigns.

Jan 8, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

There’s a Better Way for Democrats to Nominate a Presidential Candidate

There’s a Better Way for Democrats to Nominate a Presidential Candidate There’s a Better Way for Democrats to Nominate a Presidential Candidate

The Unity Reform Commission’s proposals begin the vital work of making the party more open and fair.

Feb 28, 2018 / John Nichols

Clinton and Trump

Whom Should We Blame for Our Deranged Democracy? Whom Should We Blame for Our Deranged Democracy?

Laying it all on Trump is too easy—both political parties are out of touch and distant from the people.

Sep 20, 2016 / William Greider
