
Norman Podhoretz

What ‘The New York Times’ Missed in Its Piece about Norman Podhoretz What ‘The New York Times’ Missed in Its Piece about Norman Podhoretz

The profile failed to mention the larger historical context in which the former Commentary editor and his contemporaries operated.

Mar 27, 2017 / Norman Birnbaum

Nikki Haley UN Security Council

Nikki Haley Thinks the UN Can Be ‘Fixed’—and the US Will Do the Fixing Nikki Haley Thinks the UN Can Be ‘Fixed’—and the US Will Do the Fixing

But Donald Trump may not see it that way.

Mar 27, 2017 / Barbara Crossette

Jay Clayton SEC Confirmation

Trump’s SEC Nominee Has a Major Conflict-of-Interest Problem Trump’s SEC Nominee Has a Major Conflict-of-Interest Problem

Jay Clayton is tied to big banks and corporations—and that could hold up fraud enforcement.

Mar 23, 2017 / David Dayen

Schumer DC

Democrats Should Focus More on Jobs, Less on Russia Democrats Should Focus More on Jobs, Less on Russia

The moral horrors of Trump’s policies must be confronted head-on.

Mar 23, 2017 / Robert L. Borosage

Might Neo-McCarthyism Mean War vs. Russia?

Might Neo-McCarthyism Mean War vs. Russia? Might Neo-McCarthyism Mean War vs. Russia?

The “unmasking” of Putin’s American “contacts” is premised on his “act of war” against the United States—for which there is still no evidence.

Mar 22, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Gorsuch Senate Confirmation

Yes, Dems Should Block Gorsuch While the FBI’s Trump Probe Goes on Yes, Dems Should Block Gorsuch While the FBI’s Trump Probe Goes on

Mitch McConnell obstructed not only Obama’s Supreme Court pick but his effort to alert voters about Russian election hacking—inextricably tying these issues together.

Mar 22, 2017 / Joan Walsh

james comey trump russia

Can Republicans Be Trusted to Oversee the FBI Investigation of Trump’s Russia Ties? Can Republicans Be Trusted to Oversee the FBI Investigation of Trump’s Russia Ties?

They once found the idea of a president under FBI investigation intolerable. But now most of the GOP is silent.

Mar 21, 2017 / Joan Walsh

Comey Intelligence Committee on Russia

The House Intelligence Committee Hearing on Russia Was Political Theater The House Intelligence Committee Hearing on Russia Was Political Theater

The nature of the committee’s enterprise was clear from the start: to provide House members a public platform to play to their respective bases.

Mar 21, 2017 / James Carden

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Trump’s Relentless, Chaotic Distractions Trump’s Relentless, Chaotic Distractions

His budget proposal is a distraction from his conflicts of interest which is a distraction from ICE deportations.

Mar 21, 2017 / Tom Tomorrow

Vladimir Putin

While Neo-McCarthyism Spreads, US-Russian Détente May Be Unfolding While Neo-McCarthyism Spreads, US-Russian Détente May Be Unfolding

“Kremlin-puppet” allegations against Trump are said to have crippled Trump’s ability to initiate cooperative relations with Moscow—but have they?

Mar 15, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen
