Security contractors

Obama’s Plan for Iraq Is the Petraeus-Bush Iraq Plan Obama’s Plan for Iraq Is the Petraeus-Bush Iraq Plan

"The idea that Obama is making good on a campaign promise to end the war is playing with words,” says The Nation's Jeremy Scahill.

Aug 3, 2010 / Press Room

Obama’s Plan for Iraq is the Petraeus-Bush Iraq Plan Obama’s Plan for Iraq is the Petraeus-Bush Iraq Plan

"The idea that Obama is making good on a campaign promise to end the war is playing with words,” says The Nation's Jeremy Scahill.

Aug 3, 2010 / Democracy Now!

Former Top CIA Spy: How US Intelligence Became Big Business Former Top CIA Spy: How US Intelligence Became Big Business

Intelligence veteran Robert Grenier, who worked covertly in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, recently offered a rare glimpse into the world of  privatized intelligence, Blackwa...

Jul 7, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Blackwater’s New Sugar Daddy: The Obama Administration Blackwater’s New Sugar Daddy: The Obama Administration

The CIA says it can't live without Blackwater. The State Department too. Could any of this be related to the big money Blackwater spends on Democratic lobbyists?

Jun 28, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Government Hasn’t Learned From Blackwater Mistakes Government Hasn’t Learned From Blackwater Mistakes

The private defense operation formerly known as Blackwater—now called Xe—has cleaned up its act about as much as BP has cleaned up the Gulf, says Jeremy Scahill.

Jun 25, 2010 / Press Room

Government Hasn’t Learned From Blackwater Mistakes Government Hasn’t Learned From Blackwater Mistakes

The private defense operation formerly known as Blackwater—now called Xe—has cleaned up its act about as much as BP has cleaned up the Gulf, says Jeremy Scahill.

Jun 25, 2010 / Countdown

Of Gen. Stanley McChrystal and Blackwater (UPDATED) Of Gen. Stanley McChrystal and Blackwater (UPDATED)

There's no doubt, McChrystal was rightly relieved of his duties. But in the end, it was his words--not his actions--that sunk his ship. Blackwater's ship of misconduct, crime and m...

Jun 24, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Obama Administration Keeping Blackwater Armed and Dangerous in Afghanistan Obama Administration Keeping Blackwater Armed and Dangerous in Afghanistan

Indictments, investigations and scandals have not stopped the State Department from giving Blackwater another $120 million contract for "diplomatic security" in Afghanist...

Jun 19, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Jeremy Scahill Talks Minerals, Wikileaks and Blackwater with Laura Flanders Jeremy Scahill Talks Minerals, Wikileaks and Blackwater with Laura Flanders

In the market for a private army? Jeremy Scahill says you can probably buy Blackwater from Erik Prince for cheap.

Jun 15, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV

Jeremy Scahill Talks Minerals, Wikileaks and Blackwater with Laura Flanders Jeremy Scahill Talks Minerals, Wikileaks and Blackwater with Laura Flanders

In the market for a private army? Jeremy Scahill says you can probably buy Blackwater from Erik Prince for cheap. 

Jun 15, 2010 / GRITtv
