The Real Goal of Trump’s Travel Ban Is to Make America White Again The Real Goal of Trump’s Travel Ban Is to Make America White Again
White House adviser Steve Bannon insists that Muslims don’t have the right “DNA” for democracy.
Mar 6, 2017 / Joan Walsh
How Wealthy Donors Drive Aggressive Foreign Policy How Wealthy Donors Drive Aggressive Foreign Policy
As the influence of high-dollar donors grows, so too will our bellicosity.
Mar 1, 2017 / Sean McElwee, Brian Schaffner, and Jesse Rhodes
Trump’s Machismo vs. Sweden’s ‘Feminist Foreign Policy’ Trump’s Machismo vs. Sweden’s ‘Feminist Foreign Policy’
Investing in women and girls does much more to keep us safe and promote peace than does spending even greater amounts on weapons designed to cause mass devastation.
Feb 28, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Everything Trump Did in His 5th Week That Actually Matters Everything Trump Did in His 5th Week That Actually Matters
Trump continues to lay the groundwork for a dangerous four years.
Feb 24, 2017 / Zoë Carpenter and George Zornick
CPAC’s Hollow Disavowal of the White Nationalists in Its Midst CPAC’s Hollow Disavowal of the White Nationalists in Its Midst
Looking in the mirror would be much more productive.
Feb 24, 2017 / John Knefel
Defending Our Borders From Hell-Demons From Another Dimension Defending Our Borders From Hell-Demons From Another Dimension
“Only Trump can make Americans safe again!”
Feb 21, 2017 / Tom Tomorrow
Steve Bannon Wants To Start World War III Steve Bannon Wants To Start World War III
His 2009 film, Generation Zero, shows a hellishly bleak vision of our past, present, and future, driven by a magical belief in historical determinism.
Feb 8, 2017 / Micah L. Sifry
All Those Donald Trump Headlines Are Distracting You From the Really Scary News All Those Donald Trump Headlines Are Distracting You From the Really Scary News
Media coverage focusing on the president’s personality is missing the point.
Feb 7, 2017 / Tom Engelhardt
Mad King Donald’s Alternative Facts Mad King Donald’s Alternative Facts
“I’m, like, very smart, believe me!”
Jan 31, 2017 / Tom Tomorrow
Donald Trump’s Strategy? Destroy the International Community in Order to Save It. Donald Trump’s Strategy? Destroy the International Community in Order to Save It.
The new president has a wrecking ball, and “internationalism” is written all over it.
Jan 24, 2017 / John Feffer