Can Consumer Campaigns Actually Improve Tech-Sector Labor Practices? Can Consumer Campaigns Actually Improve Tech-Sector Labor Practices?
The Electronics Watch coalition has a plan: harness consumer power to hold tech giants accountable.
Oct 22, 2014 / Michelle Chen

While the Fashion World Swoons Over This Season’s Styles, the Workers Making Them Are Fainting on the Job While the Fashion World Swoons Over This Season’s Styles, the Workers Making Them Are Fainting on the Job
Cambodia’s garment workers are fighting for something they’ve never had before: a living wage.
Sep 17, 2014 / Michelle Chen

How ‘Corporate Responsibility’ Campaigns Can Actually End Up Hurting Workers How ‘Corporate Responsibility’ Campaigns Can Actually End Up Hurting Workers
Samsung’s moral corrective had been issued on paper, but it did not translate so well for the Chinese workers.
Jul 18, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Did Child Labor Build Your Smart Phone? Did Child Labor Build Your Smart Phone?
A watchdog group has uncovered numerous labor violations at a Samsung supplier in southern China—including underage workers.
Jul 11, 2014 / Michelle Chen

NYU Just Dropped Its Contract With JanSport—Why Is That a Victory for Global Labor Rights? NYU Just Dropped Its Contract With JanSport—Why Is That a Victory for Global Labor Rights?
New York University’s Student Labor Action Movement got the the administration to finally act responsibility when doing business with the global fashion industry.
May 12, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Obama’s Free Trade Agreement Ignores the Scandal of Rana Plaza Obama’s Free Trade Agreement Ignores the Scandal of Rana Plaza
The president should be proposing new rules for importers who manufacture their products overseas, but don’t hold your breath.
Apr 23, 2014 / William Greider

Can China’s Workers Get Their Government to Follow Its Own Labor Laws? Can China’s Workers Get Their Government to Follow Its Own Labor Laws?
Could China’s justice system be morphing from an instrument of the authoritarian state into a contested political terrain?
Apr 16, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Do You Know Where Your Government Uniform Was Made? Do You Know Where Your Government Uniform Was Made?
Despite some laudatory local and state efforts, taxpayer dollars are still being used to purchase clothes made in sweatshops.
Apr 9, 2014 / Sharon Kelly

Can Western Corporations Be Held Accountable for Deaths in Factories Halfway Around the World? Can Western Corporations Be Held Accountable for Deaths in Factories Halfway Around the World?
Protecting workers from injury is one thing; empowering them to resist oppression is quite another.
Mar 26, 2014 / Michelle Chen

This Woman Sewed Money Together in Front of H&M to Make You Think About Your Shopping Habits This Woman Sewed Money Together in Front of H&M to Make You Think About Your Shopping Habits
Khmer-American artist Kat Eng wants shoppers to think about capitalism’s exploitation of workers.
Jan 30, 2014 / Steven Hsieh