Why Is the United States Abetting Saudi War Crimes in Yemen? Why Is the United States Abetting Saudi War Crimes in Yemen?
The Obama administration’s record-setting arms deals with Riyadh have strengthened extremists and led to greater regional instability.
Aug 23, 2016 / Mohamad Bazzi

Obama Expands the ISIS Bombing Campaign to a 4th Country, the Media Barely Notice Obama Expands the ISIS Bombing Campaign to a 4th Country, the Media Barely Notice
What began two years ago as “limited” air strikes in Iraq now includes Syria, Afghanistan, and Libya—all with little public debate.
Aug 5, 2016 / Adam Johnson

Is Kosovo the New European Hotbed of Jihadi Extremism? Is Kosovo the New European Hotbed of Jihadi Extremism?
Not really, despite breathless media claims. Interviews with fighters returned from Syria reveal a more complex picture.
Jul 14, 2016 / Lydia Wilson

What It’s Like to Live Through Turkey’s Descent Into Authoritarianism What It’s Like to Live Through Turkey’s Descent Into Authoritarianism
In the wake of the Istanbul terror attack, we must mend our country’s bitter divisions.
Jul 8, 2016 / Riada Ašimović Akyol

The Istanbul Terror Attack May Force a Reckoning in Turkey’s Foreign Policy The Istanbul Terror Attack May Force a Reckoning in Turkey’s Foreign Policy
Ankara has already patched up relations with Israel and Russia—and Washington could be next.
Jul 6, 2016 / Juan Cole

America Needs a New Peace Movement—Especially if Clinton Wins in November America Needs a New Peace Movement—Especially if Clinton Wins in November
Another escalation, especially in Syria, is the present danger.
Jun 30, 2016 / Tom Hayden

ISIS Is a Symptom, Not the Cause, of the Middle East’s Disintegration ISIS Is a Symptom, Not the Cause, of the Middle East’s Disintegration
And other vital lessons the US security establishment has not learned.
Jun 28, 2016 / Patrick Cockburn

VIDEO: Half the Population of Syria Have Fled Their Homes VIDEO: Half the Population of Syria Have Fled Their Homes
The US is not doing its part to take in those refugees.
Jun 22, 2016 / Brave New Films

The State Department’s Wrongheaded Push for War With Syria The State Department’s Wrongheaded Push for War With Syria
Iraq War veteran Representative Tulsi Gabbard tells The Nation why US intervention will only worsen Syria’s humanitarian crisis.
Jun 21, 2016 / James Carden

Air Power Is Unlikely to Solve America’s Problems Air Power Is Unlikely to Solve America’s Problems
Despite the sorry results delivered by air power over the last 65 years, the US military continues to invest heavily in it.
Jun 21, 2016 / William J. Astore