Syria, the Rise of ISIS, and the Perils of Regime Change Syria, the Rise of ISIS, and the Perils of Regime Change
The American mania for regime change has led to one humanitarian catastrophe after another.
Dec 3, 2015 / James Carden

Coalition or Cold War with Russia? Coalition or Cold War with Russia?
American policy-makers and presidential candidates must now make a fateful decision—join Moscow in an alliance against ISIS, or persist in treating the Kremlin as an enemy.
Nov 30, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen and Katrina vanden Heuvel

An Illustrated Guide to the Dumbest Things Republicans Have Said About Refugees An Illustrated Guide to the Dumbest Things Republicans Have Said About Refugees
Words are not enough to capture how far the GOP’s rhetoric has devolved.
Nov 24, 2015 / Steve Brodner

Turkey Brings NATO to the Precipice of War With Russia Turkey Brings NATO to the Precipice of War With Russia
By shooting down a Russian fighter jet, Ankara could sunder the growing coalition against ISIS, which it has been aiding and abetting for some time.
Nov 24, 2015 / James Carden

The GOP Stampede Toward Fascism After the Paris Attacks The GOP Stampede Toward Fascism After the Paris Attacks
We are witnessing one of the most morally calamitous reactions to a refugee crisis in the country’s history.
Nov 20, 2015 / Sasha Abramsky

European Countries’ Closing Their Borders to Refugees Is Collective Punishment European Countries’ Closing Their Borders to Refugees Is Collective Punishment
EU states’ attempts to “opt out” of international law will only fuel more regional chaos.
Nov 18, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Why Paris Became the Jihadi Jackpot Why Paris Became the Jihadi Jackpot
It incarnates the spirit of humanism and universalism that released Europe from the bonds of religion. That’s exactly why the fanatics loathe it.
Nov 17, 2015 / Natasha Lehrer

Republican Governors Are Posturing on Refugees, but Their Xenophobia Has Real Consequences Republican Governors Are Posturing on Refugees, but Their Xenophobia Has Real Consequences
Anti-Muslim hate crimes are up, but that’s not all.
Nov 17, 2015 / John Knefel

France Should Stop Listening to Saudi Arabia on Syria France Should Stop Listening to Saudi Arabia on Syria
ISIS is the most urgent threat to the West stemming from the Syrian war and must be destroyed. Assad’s murderous dictatorship can be dealt with next.
Nov 15, 2015 / Juan Cole

Rand Paul Should Make Tuesday’s Debate About US Troops in Syria and Undeclared Wars Rand Paul Should Make Tuesday’s Debate About US Troops in Syria and Undeclared Wars
The senator is an outspoken skeptic when it comes to military adventurism. Tuesday’s debate offers a chance for him to object—loudly.
Nov 10, 2015 / John Nichols