Obama Administration Officials Insist Russia Is to Blame for the Syrian Crisis Obama Administration Officials Insist Russia Is to Blame for the Syrian Crisis
Will it finally dawn on the American political establishment that the US and Russia are in this fight together?
Nov 9, 2015 / James Carden

Will Iran Abandon the Vienna Peace Talks on Syria? Will Iran Abandon the Vienna Peace Talks on Syria?
Its invitation was unprecedented—but Tehran’s attendance may fall victim to the regional proxy war with Saudi Arabia.
Nov 3, 2015 / Juan Cole

For Most Syrians, the Problem Isn’t ISIS—It’s Assad For Most Syrians, the Problem Isn’t ISIS—It’s Assad
Hospital workers in Syria, barely able to keep up with demand, are desperate to reduce the supply. Their plea: Stop the killing.
Nov 2, 2015 / Majed Aboali

‘Make No Mistake About It, This Is a War’ ‘Make No Mistake About It, This Is a War’
U.S. ground troops are being sent to Syria without congressional authorization. Why are so few members speaking up?
Nov 2, 2015 / John Nichols

US Engagement in the Middle East Is Riskier Than Ever US Engagement in the Middle East Is Riskier Than Ever
Twelve years after the invasion of Iraq, the US presses onward in a region where it has few clear goals. What could go wrong?
Oct 22, 2015 / Peter Van Buren

What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters
They’re drawn to the movement for reasons that have little to do with belief in extremist Islam.
Oct 21, 2015 / Lydia Wilson

How to Win a Nobel Peace Prize How to Win a Nobel Peace Prize
Keep the US military out of your country.
Oct 20, 2015 / Rebecca Gordon

Fed-Up Refugees Are Actually Breaking Through Border Controls in the Balkans Fed-Up Refugees Are Actually Breaking Through Border Controls in the Balkans
“Today we said ‘enough’ and decided to march.”
Oct 20, 2015 / Jesse Rosenfeld

Can Diplomacy Put Out the Syrian Fire? Can Diplomacy Put Out the Syrian Fire?
It's time for international negotiations to finally begin.
Oct 19, 2015 / Jo Comerford and Mattea Kramer

The Biggest Winners of the Arab Spring? Dictators The Biggest Winners of the Arab Spring? Dictators
While authoritarian rule appears to provide stability over the short term, it breeds discontent and affirms the idea that violence is the only way to be heard.
Oct 9, 2015 / Mohamad Bazzi