Tea Party

A Brief History of the Education Culture Wars: On Santorum’s Legacy, the GOP and School Reform

A Brief History of the Education Culture Wars: On Santorum’s Legacy, the GOP and School Reform A Brief History of the Education Culture Wars: On Santorum’s Legacy, the GOP and School Reform

The idea of dismantling the federal government's civil rights–driven education agenda is not new.

Mar 1, 2012 / Dana Goldstein

More Weak Wins for Romney

More Weak Wins for Romney More Weak Wins for Romney

Mitt barely won his native state of Michigan. Republicans just aren’t that into him. 

Feb 29, 2012 / Ben Adler

Conservative Hobbyhorses for 2012 Conservative Hobbyhorses for 2012

Republicans have invented a new bunch of boogeymen. Here’s a guide to some of the most important memes on the right. 

Feb 27, 2012 / Ben Adler

Why Republicans Love Marco Rubio Why Republicans Love Marco Rubio

Republicans think Rubio can help them win over Latinos. His right[wing views should prevent that, but he is the GOP's most charismatic politician. 

Feb 9, 2012 / Ben Adler

How Romney Beat Gingrich in Florida How Romney Beat Gingrich in Florida

More favorable demographics—and effective attack ads. 

Feb 1, 2012 / Ben Adler

Why Ron Paul Is Not the Tea Party Candidate Why Ron Paul Is Not the Tea Party Candidate

Ron Paul may be the purest fiscal conservative, but Tea Partiers have the same concerns about him that other Republicans do: foreign policy and electability. 

Dec 22, 2011 / Ben Adler

Occupy the Tea Party’s Mind Occupy the Tea Party’s Mind

A conservative conference shows the right is obsessed with Occupy Wall Street, and it’s making them nervous.

Nov 7, 2011 / Ben Adler

Despite Scandal, Cain Still Tea Party Favorite Over Romney Despite Scandal, Cain Still Tea Party Favorite Over Romney

At the Americans for Prosperity Foundation's Defending the American Dream Summit, Cain got a much warmer reception than Romney. 

Nov 4, 2011 / Ben Adler

Herman Cain, David Koch, Scott Walker, Paul Ryan & the Smoking Man Herman Cain, David Koch, Scott Walker, Paul Ryan & the Smoking Man

Mark Block helped elect Scott Walker and promoted Paul Ryan’s assault on seniors. Now his own history of political wrongdoing is being exposed.

Nov 2, 2011 / John Nichols

Michele Bachmann’s Pre-New Deal Jurisprudence Michele Bachmann’s Pre-New Deal Jurisprudence

 Bachmann claims that a state individual health insurance mandate, not just the federal one, is unconstitutional. 

Sep 30, 2011 / Ben Adler
