When TPP Meets the Populist Menace When TPP Meets the Populist Menace
The “reach across the aisle” was going according to plan... until the Populist Avenger showed up.
May 12, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Why So Many Democrats Rejected Obama’s Lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal Why So Many Democrats Rejected Obama’s Lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal
The president’s suggestion that his critics do not understand trade issues is “absolutely inaccurate.”
May 11, 2015 / John Nichols
Which Presidential Candidates Can We Trust on TPP? Which Presidential Candidates Can We Trust on TPP?
Some politicans are waffling on a disastrous trade deal.
Apr 29, 2015 / John Nichols

Two Senate Dems Challenge Obama: Release the TPP Text Two Senate Dems Challenge Obama: Release the TPP Text
Apr 25, 2015 / George Zornick

Obama Hits the Warpath Over TPP Obama Hits the Warpath Over TPP
In a lengthy call with reporters, Obama pushed back hard on liberal criticisms of his trade bill.
Apr 24, 2015 / George Zornick

If Clinton Is Serious About Economic Populism, She Should Come Out Against Fast Track If Clinton Is Serious About Economic Populism, She Should Come Out Against Fast Track
This is the time to break with Obama, and her own past, by siding with labor, environmentalists, human rights activists.
Apr 17, 2015 / John Nichols

Now Congress Is Fast-Tracking the TPP Fast Track Now Congress Is Fast-Tracking the TPP Fast Track
Members of the Senate Finance Committee found themselves in a fast-track hearing without knowing it.
Apr 16, 2015 / George Zornick

Hillary Clinton’s Newfound Populism Will Be Tested Early and Often Hillary Clinton’s Newfound Populism Will Be Tested Early and Often
From trade deals to living-wage campaigns to student-debt relief, whose side is candidate Clinton on?
Apr 14, 2015 / The Editors

Breaking: Leading House Democrat Will Oppose TPP Fast Track Breaking: Leading House Democrat Will Oppose TPP Fast Track
As trade legislation finally proceeds to a vote, a top Democrat announced he cannot support fast-track authority.
Apr 14, 2015 / George Zornick

Hillary Clinton’s Soft Populism Is Not Enough Hillary Clinton’s Soft Populism Is Not Enough
Clinton launched her campaign bemoaning inequality and vowing to fight for everyday Americans. Will she follow through?
Apr 12, 2015 / John Nichols