The Ukrainian Far Right—and the Danger It Poses The Ukrainian Far Right—and the Danger It Poses
With violence and intimidation, neo-Nazis and other far-right groups are influencing the country’s domestic and foreign policy.
Dec 5, 2016 / Lev Golinkin

False Narratives, Not ‘Fake News,’ Are the Real Cold-War Problem False Narratives, Not ‘Fake News,’ Are the Real Cold-War Problem
Any détente initiatives by President-elect Trump must break with spurious US accounts of the new Cold War.
Nov 30, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Did the White House Declare War on Russia? Did the White House Declare War on Russia?
Vice President Biden announces a forthcoming covert strike against Russian president Putin and Moscow calls it a “declaration of war.”
Oct 19, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

More Squandered Opportunities to Deal With the New Cold War More Squandered Opportunities to Deal With the New Cold War
The enemies of détente with Russia sabotaged Obama’s proposed alliance with Russia in Syria while the American presidential debate ignored all the perilous issues inherent in the C...
Sep 28, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party? Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party?
The US military attack on the Syrian army gravely endangers Obama’s proposed détente with Putin in Syria and elsewhere.
Sep 21, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Will US Hawks Again Thwart Yet Another Chance to Diminish the New Cold War in Syria and Ukraine? Will US Hawks Again Thwart Yet Another Chance to Diminish the New Cold War in Syria and Ukraine?
Pro-détente diplomacy is being fiercely opposed by detractors from Washington to Kiev.
Sep 14, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

The US Defense Industry and the ‘Weaponization’ of American Foreign Policy The US Defense Industry and the ‘Weaponization’ of American Foreign Policy
When the US provides “security assistance” and exports weapons to places like Ukraine and Saudi Arabia, it often benefits nobody besides weapons manufacturers.
Aug 29, 2016 / James Carden

Cold-War Casualties From Ukraine and Syria to the New York Times’s ‘Standards’ Cold-War Casualties From Ukraine and Syria to the New York Times’s ‘Standards’
Factional politics may have killed Obama’s proposed détente with Russia and the Minsk peace process in Ukraine, while the Times publishes another gutter article—this one about Paul...
Aug 17, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

We Should Be Shocked, Shocked, at Reports of Russian Interference in US Elections We Should Be Shocked, Shocked, at Reports of Russian Interference in US Elections
Because, you know, it’s not as if Washington has ever done the same thing to other countries.
Aug 3, 2016 / William Greider

Neo-McCarthyism and Olympic Politics as More Evidence of a New Cold War Neo-McCarthyism and Olympic Politics as More Evidence of a New Cold War
McCarthyism was a characteristic feature of the preceding Cold War, but now it is coming from liberals, even from the Clinton campaign.
Jul 27, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen