Immigrants Are Dying In Detention While ICE Ignores Its Own Medical Standards Immigrants Are Dying In Detention While ICE Ignores Its Own Medical Standards
A new report demonstrates how medical negligence played a significant role in many detention center deaths.
Apr 25, 2016 / Raul Grijalva

The EU Is Now Criminalizing Refugees The EU Is Now Criminalizing Refugees
The move to detention rather than welcome has led to a rapid downward spiral in conditions.
Apr 20, 2016 / Lydia Wilson

Bernie and Hillary, on the Stump in the Multiracial City Bernie and Hillary, on the Stump in the Multiracial City
It’s a day of hits and misses as Sanders and Clinton try to excite immigrant voters for the New York primary.
Apr 10, 2016 / Julianne Hing

How Many Presidents Does It Take to Deport 11 Million People? How Many Presidents Does It Take to Deport 11 Million People?
There’s nothing realistic about the deportation fantasies of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. But that doesn’t make them any less terrifying.
Mar 24, 2016 / Tanya Golash-Boza

Family Sues Private-Prison Operator Over Deaths at Immigrant-Only Facilities Family Sues Private-Prison Operator Over Deaths at Immigrant-Only Facilities
An investigation found dozens of questionable deaths related to cost cutting in privatized federal prisons.
Mar 15, 2016 / Seth Freed Wessler

Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Over $11 Billion to Our Economy Each Year Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Over $11 Billion to Our Economy Each Year
The notion that they do nothing but drain public coffers is a myth.
Mar 14, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Clinton and Sanders Promised Not to Deport Child Migrants. Should We Cheer? Clinton and Sanders Promised Not to Deport Child Migrants. Should We Cheer?
Promises they can’t keep aren’t what immigrants really need.
Mar 10, 2016 / Julianne Hing

Yankee Great Paul O’Neill Endorses Trump, Slaps Latino Players Across the Face Yankee Great Paul O’Neill Endorses Trump, Slaps Latino Players Across the Face
He’s sending quite the message to his former teammates and the game he ostensibly loves.
Mar 9, 2016 / Dave Zirin

Kept Out of School for Being Undocumented Kept Out of School for Being Undocumented
Honduran immigrant Wildin Acosta wants to do his homework—really. But he’s in ICE detention.
Mar 4, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Finally, Democrats of Color Get to Vote Finally, Democrats of Color Get to Vote
In today’s Nevada caucus, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will find out what non-white voters think of them.
Feb 20, 2016 / Julianne Hing