Sports Unions Come Together to Fight for the PRO Act Sports Unions Come Together to Fight for the PRO Act
The sports unions for basketball, baseball, football, and hockey have combined forces—and the labor movement is stronger for it.
May 6, 2021 / Dave Zirin

Representative Mark Pocan on Amazon and ‘the Arrogance of Corporations That Get Too Big’ Representative Mark Pocan on Amazon and ‘the Arrogance of Corporations That Get Too Big’
The Wisconsin representative whom Amazon attacked talks about the company’s self-serving apology, the Bessemer union vote, and the PRO Act.
Apr 19, 2021 / Q&A / John Nichols

How to Lose a Union Drive How to Lose a Union Drive
The failed campaign to organize Amazon workers in Bessemer, Ala., holds key lessons. Whether organizers learn them is another matter.
Apr 14, 2021 / Mike Gecan

Blowout in Bessemer: A Postmortem on the Amazon Campaign Blowout in Bessemer: A Postmortem on the Amazon Campaign
The warning signs of defeat were everywhere.
Apr 9, 2021 / Jane McAlevey

Betsy DeVos Takes Her Assault on Public Schools Back to the States Betsy DeVos Takes Her Assault on Public Schools Back to the States
A DeVos-backed group is pouring money into a statewide education race in Wisconsin, which will be decided Tuesday.
Apr 6, 2021 / John Nichols

Biden Is Rebuilding the National Labor Relations Board Biden Is Rebuilding the National Labor Relations Board
A new report shows why the president had no choice but to fire the Trump-appointed general counsel of the NLRB.
Apr 6, 2021 / Lynn Rhinehart

Saving Lives and Going Hungry: NYC Ambulance Workers Demand Higher Pay Saving Lives and Going Hungry: NYC Ambulance Workers Demand Higher Pay
EMTs and paramedics have been protesting low wages and disrespect from the New York City government since the 1980s.
Apr 6, 2021 / Martha Pskowski

Why Big Tech Shouldn’t Be Scared of Unions Why Big Tech Shouldn’t Be Scared of Unions
Unions could not only strengthen tech companies but also improve tech policy-making.
Mar 30, 2021 / David Goodfriend

What Bernie Sanders Taught Democrats About Labor Solidarity What Bernie Sanders Taught Democrats About Labor Solidarity
The senator is back on the front lines—rallying this time with Amazon workers in Alabama. And lots of top Democrats are joining him.
Mar 29, 2021 / John Nichols

Bernie Backs Covid Nurses Who Are Prepared to Strike for Humane Work Conditions Bernie Backs Covid Nurses Who Are Prepared to Strike for Humane Work Conditions
The Vermont senator’s championship of a Wisconsin health care union’s demand for a contract respecting work-life balance signals a new era of labor solidarity.
Mar 19, 2021 / John Nichols