
Lockout Sign Honeywell Metropolis

When Corporations Lock Out Their Own Workers When Corporations Lock Out Their Own Workers

Lockouts used to represent less than 4 percent of work stoppages. Last year, they topped 10 percent.

Jul 8, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Chris Christie Town Hall

The Fight for $15 Won in New Jersey—but Chris Christie May Veto It The Fight for $15 Won in New Jersey—but Chris Christie May Veto It

Instead of signing progressive labor legislation, Christie will give tax breaks to corporations.

Jul 5, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Homecare worker gives client pills

Home-Care Workers Are Now Protected by Minimum-Wage Laws Home-Care Workers Are Now Protected by Minimum-Wage Laws

Are you surprised they weren’t before?

Jul 1, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Seattle Drivers Union

A New Law Is Letting Uber Drivers Unionize A New Law Is Letting Uber Drivers Unionize

After ride-hailing companies descended on Seattle and began slashing drivers’ pay, the City Council stepped in with a novel solution.

Jul 1, 2016 / Mike O’Brien

Sweatshop worker

Colleges Aren’t Enforcing Their Own Anti-Sweatshop Policies Colleges Aren’t Enforcing Their Own Anti-Sweatshop Policies

SUNY’s failure to enforce its anti-sweatshop policies is a reminder that major institutional consumers can only go so far in addressing the crisis of globalized labor abuses.

Jun 27, 2016 / StudentNation / Michelle Chen

Uber decal on car

Does the Law Decide What Rights Are Afforded to Uber Drivers—or Does Uber? Does the Law Decide What Rights Are Afforded to Uber Drivers—or Does Uber?

The company is offering union-like organization to its employees, which will keep them from accessing the full benefits of an actual union.

Jun 22, 2016 / Michelle Chen

LeBron James

LeBron James Wins His Own Rumble in the Jungle LeBron James Wins His Own Rumble in the Jungle

Muhammad Ali staked his claim to the title of the Greatest when he beat George Foreman at the Rumble in the Jungle. LeBron James just gave us the sequel.

Jun 20, 2016 / Dave Zirin

Mexico City education

Why Are Mexican Teachers Being Jailed for Protesting Education Reform? Why Are Mexican Teachers Being Jailed for Protesting Education Reform?

They’re peacefully resisting US-style neoliberal measures intended to crush the unions—a backbone of Mexico’s social-justice movements.

Jun 17, 2016 / David Bacon

University Hall, Northwestern University

Some Adjunct Professors Earn Just $20,000 a Year Some Adjunct Professors Earn Just $20,000 a Year

An organizing campaign at Northwestern University aims to change that.

Jun 13, 2016 / StudentNation / Michelle Chen

Chinese Walmart

The Fight Against Walmart’s Labor Practices Goes Global The Fight Against Walmart’s Labor Practices Goes Global

Store workers in China are now pushing for the same labor protections US workers have been demanding for years.

Jun 8, 2016 / Michelle Chen
