
Why Tom Brady Is Worth Defending

Why Tom Brady Is Worth Defending Why Tom Brady Is Worth Defending

A conversation about Tom Brady and union power with the NFLPA’s George Atallah.

Jul 31, 2015 / Dave Zirin


Meet ALEC’s Little Brother, ACCE Meet ALEC’s Little Brother, ACCE

The right-wing lobby’s newest offshoot is equipping city and county officials with the tools to promote special-interest bills at the local level.

Jul 23, 2015 / Brendan Fischer and Mary Bottari

Beijing Taxi

Cabbies Are Driving the Opposition to China’s Ridesharing Revolution Cabbies Are Driving the Opposition to China’s Ridesharing Revolution

Taxi drivers are striking back to defend their right to a fair living.

Jul 17, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Serfing the Web: On-Demand Workers Deserve a Place at the Table

Serfing the Web: On-Demand Workers Deserve a Place at the Table Serfing the Web: On-Demand Workers Deserve a Place at the Table

Workers’ voices are being excluded from discussions on the future of the “sharing economy.”

Jul 16, 2015 / Trebor Scholz and Frank Pasquale

Nurses Lifting Patient

If You Could Decrease a Workplace’s Injury Rate by 65 Percent, Would You? If You Could Decrease a Workplace’s Injury Rate by 65 Percent, Would You?

When nurses can’t speak up about unsafe hospital conditions without risking their jobs, both labor and the public lose a powerful potential advocate.

Jul 8, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Allegiant Labor Dispute

This Airline’s Scheduling System Is Making Its Pilots Exhausted This Airline’s Scheduling System Is Making Its Pilots Exhausted

Would you want to travel with a company whose scheduling system is leading to fatigue and burnout for the people flying your plane?

Jul 6, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Veto the Hartley-Taft labor bill

June 23, 1947: Congress Overrides Truman’s Veto of the Taft-Hartley Labor Management Relations Act June 23, 1947: Congress Overrides Truman’s Veto of the Taft-Hartley Labor Management Relations Act

“A bad bill has become bad law.”

Jun 23, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

As the Semester Ends, Students Hold Sit-Ins, Win Higher Pay, and Unionize

As the Semester Ends, Students Hold Sit-Ins, Win Higher Pay, and Unionize As the Semester Ends, Students Hold Sit-Ins, Win Higher Pay, and Unionize

Major wins for economic and racial justice, from campus to the workplace.

Jun 22, 2015 / StudentNation

Gawker unionization

Is Gawker’s Unionization a Sign That Creative Workers Are Finally Realizing Their Worth? Is Gawker’s Unionization a Sign That Creative Workers Are Finally Realizing Their Worth?

Can web publishing’s freewheeling structure shake up received wisdom about wielding collective labor power?

Jun 16, 2015 / Michelle Chen

SEI Protest

25 Years Later: Lessons From the Organizers of Justice for Janitors 25 Years Later: Lessons From the Organizers of Justice for Janitors

The campaign succeeded because it went after the people who truly had power over the workers’ livelihood—not the powerless subcontractors.

Jun 16, 2015 / Stephen Lerner and Jono Shaffer
