
‘Jimmy From the Block’ Just Beat the Billionaires

‘Jimmy From the Block’ Just Beat the Billionaires ‘Jimmy From the Block’ Just Beat the Billionaires

Nominated for mayor of Philadelphia, a progressive teaches a lesson about coalition politics.

May 20, 2015 / John Nichols

Why So Many Democrats Rejected Obama’s Lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal

Why So Many Democrats Rejected Obama’s Lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal Why So Many Democrats Rejected Obama’s Lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal

The president’s suggestion that his critics do not understand trade issues is “absolutely inaccurate.”

May 11, 2015 / John Nichols

How Climate Protection Has Become Today’s Labor Solidarity

How Climate Protection Has Become Today’s Labor Solidarity How Climate Protection Has Become Today’s Labor Solidarity

Union-led action on climate change has proliferated across the country.

May 6, 2015 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher

Why $15 and a Union Is Worth Fighting For: One Worker’s Story

Why $15 and a Union Is Worth Fighting For: One Worker’s Story Why $15 and a Union Is Worth Fighting For: One Worker’s Story

Angel Rivera has held two cleaning jobs at the same airport, but they are worlds apart.

Apr 15, 2015 / Angel Rivera

The Firing of This Minimum-Wage Worker Reveals Why We Need More Labor Reporting

The Firing of This Minimum-Wage Worker Reveals Why We Need More Labor Reporting The Firing of This Minimum-Wage Worker Reveals Why We Need More Labor Reporting

In “right to work” states like Arkansas, the media is one of the few institutions with the strength to hold abusive employers accountable.

Apr 3, 2015 / Alyssa Peterson

Chicago’s Chuy Garcia Has a Vision: Progressive Mayors Fighting for Public Education

Chicago’s Chuy Garcia Has a Vision: Progressive Mayors Fighting for Public Education Chicago’s Chuy Garcia Has a Vision: Progressive Mayors Fighting for Public Education

A supporter of public schools and teachers pushes Democrats to get on the side of the future.

Apr 3, 2015 / John Nichols

The Big Fix

The Big Fix The Big Fix

Bringing back a strong and healthy labor movement is everybody’s job—but to do it, we’ll have to change our corporate and political models as well.

Mar 23, 2015 / Feature / Thomas Geoghegan

This Is Where Union-Bashing and Union-Blaming Gets Ridiculous

This Is Where Union-Bashing and Union-Blaming Gets Ridiculous This Is Where Union-Bashing and Union-Blaming Gets Ridiculous

First Scott Walker, and now a struck corporation claims unions pose a threat to Little League baseball.

Mar 5, 2015 / John Nichols

Scott Walker

This Is Why Scott Walker Is Not Presidential Material This Is Why Scott Walker Is Not Presidential Material

Disregarding and disrespecting protests of teachers and nurses does not prepare him to see off global threats.

Feb 27, 2015 / John Nichols

Rahm Emanuel Seemed Unstoppable—Until He Ticked Off Chicago’s Teachers

Rahm Emanuel Seemed Unstoppable—Until He Ticked Off Chicago’s Teachers Rahm Emanuel Seemed Unstoppable—Until He Ticked Off Chicago’s Teachers

Voters force school-closing Mayor Rahm Emanuel into a runoff and demand an elected school board.

Feb 25, 2015 / John Nichols
