How 262 Cable Technicians Defeated a Union-Busting Giant How 262 Cable Technicians Defeated a Union-Busting Giant
After a three-and-a-half-year struggle, workers in Cablevision’s first unionized shop finally win a contract.
Feb 23, 2015 / Sarah Jaffe

Scott Walker Says He’ll Sign ALEC-Echoing ‘Right to Work’ (For Less) Legislation Scott Walker Says He’ll Sign ALEC-Echoing ‘Right to Work’ (For Less) Legislation
The 2016 contender who last year warned new anti-labor measures were divisive and “a distraction” is back in for a fight with unions.
Feb 20, 2015 / John Nichols

Will Rahm Emanuel Buy Another Term as Mayor of Chicago? Will Rahm Emanuel Buy Another Term as Mayor of Chicago?
The mayor’s spending millions, but unions and progressives are fighting for grassroots democracy.
Feb 19, 2015 / John Nichols

The State Where Even Republicans Have a Problem With Busting Unions The State Where Even Republicans Have a Problem With Busting Unions
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner is getting bipartisan pushback against his attack on labor unions.
Feb 16, 2015 / John Nichols

Police Unions Don’t Serve the People. Can the Labor Movement Force Them To? Police Unions Don’t Serve the People. Can the Labor Movement Force Them To?
We banned police from the “house of labor.” Look at them now.
Jan 9, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Are Cities the Next Front in the Right’s War on Labor? Are Cities the Next Front in the Right’s War on Labor?
From ALEC to the Heritage Foundation, a group of anti-labor stalwarts is looking to turn cities and counties into “right-to-work” zones.
Dec 3, 2014 / Moshe Z. Marvit

Why Living-Wage Laws Are Not Enough—and Minimum-Wage Laws Aren’t Either Why Living-Wage Laws Are Not Enough—and Minimum-Wage Laws Aren’t Either
Twenty years after the first living-wage law was passed in Baltimore, the campaign’s lead organizer warns that the model has been watered down.
Nov 25, 2014 / Jonathan Lange

Surprise: Whole Foods Is Not the World’s Greatest Employer Surprise: Whole Foods Is Not the World’s Greatest Employer
San Francisco employees of the green-capitalism giant are organizing themselves to fight for livable working conditions.
Nov 14, 2014 / Michelle Chen

How Can You Tell If US Hospitals Are Prepared for Ebola? Ask a Nurse. How Can You Tell If US Hospitals Are Prepared for Ebola? Ask a Nurse.
This is not a time to panic. It is a time to get things right.
Oct 13, 2014 / John Nichols

10,000 Workers Strike in Support of Hong Kong’s Protests 10,000 Workers Strike in Support of Hong Kong’s Protests
Can the protests go beyond calls for greater electoral transparency, to embrace a truly social democratic agenda?
Oct 1, 2014 / Michelle Chen