
As He Runs for President, Scott Walker Runs From His Record

As He Runs for President, Scott Walker Runs From His Record As He Runs for President, Scott Walker Runs From His Record

In his campaign book, Unintimidated, the controversial Wisconsin governor offers a rewrite of his history.

Nov 18, 2013 / John Nichols

How States Taken Over by the GOP in 2010 Have Been Quietly Screwing Over the American Worker

How States Taken Over by the GOP in 2010 Have Been Quietly Screwing Over the American Worker How States Taken Over by the GOP in 2010 Have Been Quietly Screwing Over the American Worker

A broad campaign to strip employees of their rights is being fueled by corporate cash and conservative state lawmakers. 

Oct 31, 2013 / Zoƫ Carpenter

Yes, Federal Workers Are Essential

Yes, Federal Workers Are Essential Yes, Federal Workers Are Essential

The House votes 407-0 to guarantee back pay for federal employees. But it will not let them do their jobs.

Oct 6, 2013 / John Nichols

The Disappearing Voice of the Working Class

The Disappearing Voice of the Working Class The Disappearing Voice of the Working Class

WRITING CONTEST FINALIST: Only by returning the tools of government to average Americans through adequate representation can we fix our broken politics.

Oct 2, 2013 / StudentNation / Ian O’Connor-Giles and StudentNation

A Reboot for the AFL-CIO?

A Reboot for the AFL-CIO? A Reboot for the AFL-CIO?

At its LA convention, organized labor vowed to reinvigorate organizing and strengthen progressive alliances. And not a moment too soon.

Sep 25, 2013 / Josh Eidelson

What Counts as a Workers’ Issue? Day One of the AFL-CIO’s 2013 Convention

What Counts as a Workers’ Issue? Day One of the AFL-CIO’s 2013 Convention What Counts as a Workers’ Issue? Day One of the AFL-CIO’s 2013 Convention

The Los Angeles gathering of the nation’s largest labor federation included high-profile Democratic guests, soul-searching about diversity, and signs of a coming floor fight....

Sep 9, 2013 / Josh Eidelson

Walmart Workers Plan ‘Widespread, Massive Strikes and Protests’ for Black Friday 2013

Walmart Workers Plan ‘Widespread, Massive Strikes and Protests’ for Black Friday 2013 Walmart Workers Plan ‘Widespread, Massive Strikes and Protests’ for Black Friday 2013

Following rallies in fifteen cities yesterday demanding the reinstatement of fired activists, workers plan a second Black Friday strike.

Sep 6, 2013 / Josh Eidelson

Arrested for Singing

Arrested for Singing Arrested for Singing

Civil rights and labor activist David Newby is not done dissenting.

Aug 28, 2013 / John Nichols

‘Timid Supplication for Justice Will Not Solve the Problem’

‘Timid Supplication for Justice Will Not Solve the Problem’ ‘Timid Supplication for Justice Will Not Solve the Problem’

Dr. Martin Luther King was talking about economic justice as well as racial justice, according to Senator Bernie Sanders.

Aug 24, 2013 / John Nichols

The AFL-CIO Is Exploring New Investments in Alt-Labor and Texas Organizing

The AFL-CIO Is Exploring New Investments in Alt-Labor and Texas Organizing The AFL-CIO Is Exploring New Investments in Alt-Labor and Texas Organizing

The federation’s general counsel tells The Nation “limited, thoughtful experiments” with alternative organizing models could be ahead.

Aug 16, 2013 / Josh Eidelson
