
Republic Windows Workers Consider Employee-Owned Co-Op Republic Windows Workers Consider Employee-Owned Co-Op

In 2008, a worker occupation at the Chicago factory sent up a flare of resistance. Now those same workers are considering alternatives to working for a boss.

Mar 1, 2012 / Laura Flanders

Virginia Students Hunger-Strike for Living Wage

Virginia Students Hunger-Strike for Living Wage Virginia Students Hunger-Strike for Living Wage

As a last resort to end a fourteen-year campaign for a living wage, fifteen students are now on day six of a hunger strike.

Feb 23, 2012 / Peter Rothberg

Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Uprising, One Year Later

Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Uprising, One Year Later Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Uprising, One Year Later

When Governor Walker announced his proposal to strip public employees of most collective bargaining rights on February 11, 2011—little over a month after taking office—…

Feb 14, 2012 / Photo Essay / The Nation

John Nichols: Governor Walker and the Koch Brothers Are Behind Arizona’s Fight Against Unions John Nichols: Governor Walker and the Koch Brothers Are Behind Arizona’s Fight Against Unions

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has not limited the assault on collective bargaining to his own state.

Feb 3, 2012 / Press Room

How Scott Walker and ALEC Plotted the Attack on Arizona’s Unions How Scott Walker and ALEC Plotted the Attack on Arizona’s Unions

Wisconsin’s union-busting governor traveled to Arizona and urged conservatives to join him in fighting public-employee unions. Now, the group he addressed is spearheading an ...

Feb 2, 2012 / John Nichols

The Deal That Saved Detroit (and Banned Strikes) The Deal That Saved Detroit (and Banned Strikes)

The Deal with Detroit is gold dust for Democrats. Reality is a bit more complicated.

Feb 2, 2012 / Laura Flanders

Wisconsin Rises Up Against Walker

Wisconsin Rises Up Against Walker Wisconsin Rises Up Against Walker

What does democracy look like? Try a grassroots campaign organized by ordinary citizens to recall their union-busting governor.

Jan 25, 2012 / John Nichols

Looking Back at the UFW, a Union With Two Souls

Looking Back at the UFW, a Union With Two Souls Looking Back at the UFW, a Union With Two Souls

A Q&A with Frank Bardacke, whose new book Trampling Out the Vintage complicates the legend and legacy of Cesar Chavez.

Jan 25, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Gabriel Thompson

What ‘Right to Work’ Means for Indiana’s Workers: A Pay Cut What ‘Right to Work’ Means for Indiana’s Workers: A Pay Cut

Not content with their successful assaults on public workers, Republicans are set on destroying private sector unions, pushing “right to work” laws with false promise...

Jan 18, 2012 / Feature / Gordon Lafer

Republican Candidates Attack Labor

Republican Candidates Attack Labor Republican Candidates Attack Labor

Republican presidential candidates are demonizing unions while an ad from a pro-Gingrich group demonstrates how necessary they are. 

Jan 9, 2012 / Ben Adler
