Union Blues at Wal-Mart Union Blues at Wal-Mart
Attempts to organize are squelched by a flying column of unionbusters.
Jun 20, 2002 / Feature / John Dicker
It’s Payback Time It’s Payback Time
Labor-backed politicians are being asked to return the favor in union fights.
Jun 13, 2002 / Feature / David Moberg
Unions on the Net Unions on the Net
Unions are gradually making fuller use of the Internet's capacities to improve communication with their own staffs or members. But increasingly they are also using the web to recr...
Jun 6, 2002 / Feature / Joel Rogers and Richard B. Freeman
A Proposal to American Labor A Proposal to American Labor
Let's create "open-source unions," and welcome millions into the movement.
Jun 6, 2002 / Feature / Joel Rogers and Richard B. Freeman
Letter From Italy Letter From Italy
From Padua's Piazza Insurrezione, where I was standing at 11 in the morning on April 16, the general strike--Italy's first in twenty years--looked and sounded like a great success...
May 16, 2002 / Feature / Joanne Barkan
Power Politics at Yale Power Politics at Yale
As a Russian studies major at Yale in the 1970s, I observed Soviet "elections" that were conducted more fairly than the 2002 Yale Corporation's board of trustees election. Why is ...
May 16, 2002 / Sherrod Brown
End Business as Usual End Business as Usual
The Enron "outrage," AFL-CIO president John Sweeney told a rapt crowd of several hundred workers at Milwaukee's Serb Memorial Hall, is "not the story of one corporation's abuses, ...
Apr 18, 2002 / David Moberg
Steeling Elections Steeling Elections
In early March, the Bush Administration adopted a policy that the steel industry as well as the United Steelworkers of America (USWA) have long been agitating for--tariffs on stee...
Mar 21, 2002 / Doug Henwood
Trade Fights Trade Fights
There aren't many Democratic Congressional candidates who can claim that they personally thwarted the agenda of organized labor in the most critical legislative battles of the pas...
Mar 14, 2002 / John Nichols