Why Is the US Military So Interested in Chad? Why Is the US Military So Interested in Chad?
The US military continues a long series of mistakes, missteps and mishaps across Africa.
Nov 20, 2014 / Nick Turse
The Life and Death of Tomas Young The Life and Death of Tomas Young
The Iraq War vet turned peace activist died on the eve of Veteran’s Day.
Nov 12, 2014 / Phil Donahue
Fatal Encounter: A Transgender Woman Meets the US Marine Corps Fatal Encounter: A Transgender Woman Meets the US Marine Corps
The murder of a transgender woman in the Philippines reveals the homophobia in the Marine Corps and the dangers of US military presence in the region.
Oct 29, 2014 / Walden Bello and Foreign Policy In Focus
Why Do We Keep Thanking the Troops? Why Do We Keep Thanking the Troops?
Rather than honoring their “valor” and “heroism,” we should prevent them from killing and dying in pointless wars.
Oct 27, 2014 / Rory Fanning
Why American Efforts to Create Foreign Armies Fail Why American Efforts to Create Foreign Armies Fail
For a foreign occupying force to create a unified and effective army from a disunified and disaffected populace was (and remains) a fool’s errand.
Oct 14, 2014 / William J. Astore
Obama Is Fighting ISIS, Iran and Russia With… Oil? Obama Is Fighting ISIS, Iran and Russia With… Oil?
How the US is using trade sanctions and other means to curb the oil exports of its foes.
Oct 9, 2014 / Michael T. Klare
The Coalition Against ISIS The Coalition Against ISIS
The White House talks of burden-shifting, But guess who’ll do the heavy lifting? If bombs won’t turn this thing around, Whose boots will those be on the ground?
Oct 1, 2014 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Building Blocks of War The Building Blocks of War
Media fearmongering, political grandstanding and everything else you need to launch a new military mission.
Sep 22, 2014 / Tom Tomorrow
Why was Paul Krugman so Wrong? Why was Paul Krugman so Wrong?
There’s a frightening enthusiasm for war among pundits—and now the public seems ready to go along too.
Sep 10, 2014 / William Greider
Katrina vanden Heuvel: Don’t Overstate the Threat ISIS Poses Katrina vanden Heuvel: Don’t Overstate the Threat ISIS Poses
The Nation’s editor appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources to discuss press coverage of ISIS and whether some members of the media are participating in war-mongering.
Sep 8, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel