There’s a Way to Get More People Vaccinated—and It Doesn’t Involve the Lottery There’s a Way to Get More People Vaccinated—and It Doesn’t Involve the Lottery
As the Delta variant spreads, it’s essential to make it easier for essential workers to get vaccinated—and that begins by giving paid sick leave for the shot.
Jul 1, 2021 / Terri Gerstein and Lorelei Salas

Biden’s Failure to End Trump’s War on Cuba Is Threatening Lives Biden’s Failure to End Trump’s War on Cuba Is Threatening Lives
The president promised to return to Obama’s policies of engagement with Cuba, but the embargo and other Trump-era restrictions remain in place.
Jun 29, 2021 / Danny Glover

Wealthy Countries Have Left the Rest of the World Behind Wealthy Countries Have Left the Rest of the World Behind
Vaccine nationalism bought wealthy countries a return to normalcy, while leaving the Global South with devastating surges.
Jun 22, 2021 / Rajan Menon

Democracy on a Ventilator Democracy on a Ventilator
Two crises, two emergency lockdowns, but only one is called a matter of public health.
Jun 9, 2021 / S. Eudora Smith

America Pursues Vaccine Internationalism—but What Kind? America Pursues Vaccine Internationalism—but What Kind?
A foreign policy of global division makes Americans less safe.
Jun 7, 2021 / Stephen Wertheim

We Can’t Trust Big Pharma to Make Enough Vaccines We Can’t Trust Big Pharma to Make Enough Vaccines
Global vaccine scarcity is not inevitable.
May 31, 2021 / Christopher Morten and Matthew Herder

Sharing the Vaccine Is Just the First Step Sharing the Vaccine Is Just the First Step
Now we need to make sure poorer countries have the resources and technical capacity to ramp up production.
May 17, 2021 / Gregg Gonsalves for The Nation

‘Where Are the Moderate Hindus?’ ‘Where Are the Moderate Hindus?’
India is reeling from two deadly viruses: Covid-19 and Hindutva—a century-old far-right political ideology whose founders were directly inspired by Hitler’s Nazism and Italian Fasc...
May 14, 2021 / Sunita Viswanath

Is the Shine Starting to Come Off Bill Gates’s Halo? Is the Shine Starting to Come Off Bill Gates’s Halo?
The billionaire’s role in perpetuating vaccine apartheid in the name of protecting intellectual property rights has begun to draw criticism.
May 7, 2021 / Tim Schwab

This Is Biden’s Chance to Vaccinate the World This Is Biden’s Chance to Vaccinate the World
Then-candidate Biden told me he wouldn’t let patents block vaccine access. Tomorrow, he must keep his promise.
May 4, 2021 / Ady Barkan