Across the Country, Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Faced Obstacles Across the Country, Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Faced Obstacles
But in southern Brooklyn, they showed they can still swing an election.
Nov 12, 2018 / Richard Salame

Take Action Now: Vote Today, Then Help Others Vote Take Action Now: Vote Today, Then Help Others Vote
In addition to casting your own ballot, you can report voter intimidation and drive people to the polls.
Nov 6, 2018 / NationAction

Vote Aquí? Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Could Help Determine Congress Vote Aquí? Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Could Help Determine Congress
A joint Investigative Fund–Nation exposé shows that language accommodation for voting (or the lack thereof) could swing 20 congressional elections.
Nov 5, 2018 / Richard Salame

Letting Noncitizens Vote in the Trump Era Letting Noncitizens Vote in the Trump Era
Undocumented immigrants could cast ballots for most of American history—now a few cities want to renew that tradition.
Nov 1, 2018 / Rachel M. Cohen

The GOP and Voter Suppression The GOP and Voter Suppression
Amidst all the campaigning babble, One strategy’s always worth noting: To keep them from voting against us We simply need keep them from voting,…
Oct 25, 2018 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Trump-Putin Summit: From Rivals to Confederates? The Trump-Putin Summit: From Rivals to Confederates?
We may be seeing the centralization of world power in the hands of two nuclear-armed megalomaniacs.
Jul 17, 2018 / Michael T. Klare

Cities Are Saying ‘No’ to ICE by Canceling Their Contracts With the Agency Cities Are Saying ‘No’ to ICE by Canceling Their Contracts With the Agency
Dispatches from the Urban Resistance, June 2018: From Austin to Toledo and beyond.
Jul 2, 2018 / Sophie Kasakove

Why the Supreme Court’s Voter-Purge Ruling Is So Damaging Why the Supreme Court’s Voter-Purge Ruling Is So Damaging
The Husted decision fuels the GOP voter-suppression campaign—but citizens have a chance to fight back in this fall’s midterms.
Jun 20, 2018 / John Nichols

After Stunning Democratic Win, North Dakota Republicans Suppressed the Native American Vote After Stunning Democratic Win, North Dakota Republicans Suppressed the Native American Vote
A district court ruled against the state’s voter-ID law in April—but with midterms looming, the fight for Native voting rights isn’t over yet.
May 2, 2018 / Roey Hadar