John Lewis’s Long Fight for Voting Rights John Lewis’s Long Fight for Voting Rights
Nearly five decades after Bloody Sunday in Selma, he’s in the fight of his life, as the Supreme Court threatens to overturn his signature achievement.
Jun 5, 2013 / Feature / Ari Berman

Our Elections Really Are Rigged—by Gerrymandering and Districting Abuses Our Elections Really Are Rigged—by Gerrymandering and Districting Abuses
Once Mark Sanford won the Republican primary, he was all but certain to win in a district drawn to elect Republicans. That’s how it works in America.
May 8, 2013 / John Nichols

7 Ways North Carolina Republicans are Trying to Make it Harder to Vote 7 Ways North Carolina Republicans are Trying to Make it Harder to Vote
Seventy-five new voting restrictions have been introduced in 30 states in 2013. North Carolina is leading the way.
Apr 5, 2013 / Ari Berman

New Voter Suppression Efforts Prove the Voting Rights Act Is Still Needed New Voter Suppression Efforts Prove the Voting Rights Act Is Still Needed
Fifty-five new voting restrictions have been introduced in thirty states this year.
Mar 28, 2013 / Ari Berman

Voting Rights Are Once Again Challenged at the Supreme Court Voting Rights Are Once Again Challenged at the Supreme Court
In hearing a challenge to Arizona’s proof of citizenship law for voter registration, the Justices will decide what powers Congress has to protect the right to vote.
Mar 18, 2013 / Ari Berman

Supreme Court: Uphold the Voting Rights Act! Supreme Court: Uphold the Voting Rights Act!
Section 5 is as necessary today as it was in 1965, when Alabama state troopers beat freedom marchers in Selma.
Mar 6, 2013 / Ari Berman

Time for a ‘Right to Vote’ Constitutional Amendment Time for a ‘Right to Vote’ Constitutional Amendment
How many dysfunctional election cycles are we going to endure before we accept the necessity of this reform?
Mar 5, 2013 / Feature / John Nichols

(Son of) Constitutional Roadblock to Efforts to Fix Federal Elections (Son of) Constitutional Roadblock to Efforts to Fix Federal Elections
When it comes to a federal right to vote, things are a little more complicated than I wrote before—but that’s not to say we should be encouraged.
Mar 1, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

What Is Alabama’s Problem With the Voting Rights Act? What Is Alabama’s Problem With the Voting Rights Act?
The Supreme Court will hear arguments this week in a case that could gut the historic law. To understand where this is going, it’s crucial to know how we got here.
Feb 26, 2013 / Voting Rights Watch
Virginia Legislators Approve Voter ID Law, May Kill Chances for Federal Bailout Virginia Legislators Approve Voter ID Law, May Kill Chances for Federal Bailout
Will Virginia be the latest case for proving why the Voting Rights Act is still needed?
Feb 22, 2013 / Voting Rights Watch