Voting Rights Act

Fox Hunts Student Voters Fox Hunts Student Voters

Juliana Zuccaro and Kelly Kraus thought they were exercising their civic rights and responsibilities on August 31 when, as officers of the Network of Feminist Student Activists a...

Sep 23, 2004 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Identity Politics Identity Politics

While controversy rages across the country over whether computerized voting machines may result in lost or manipulated votes, there is another change in the election system this ...

Jul 29, 2004 / Feature / Tova Andrea Wang

How They Could Steal the Election This Time How They Could Steal the Election This Time

Electronic counts, unaudited touch-screen ballots, enhance opportunities for fraud.

Jul 29, 2004 / Feature / Ronnie Dugger

Counting Every Vote Counting Every Vote

The Democratic platform approved this week by convention delegates in Boston contains strong language regarding the party's commitment to protect the right of Americans to vote--...

Jul 29, 2004 / The Editors

No Justice in Florida No Justice in Florida

When Donna Brazile learned in late May that the Justice Department might sue three Florida counties over voting rights violations that disfranchised minority citizens in the 2000 ...

May 30, 2002 / The Editors

Fractured Franchise Fractured Franchise

There's been a lot of talk in recent days about "disfranchisement." Jesse Jackson has invoked memories of the bloody battles for voter registration in Selma; elderly Jews in Palm...

Nov 27, 2000 / Alex Keyssar

Florida election 2000 recount

Making Every Vote Count Making Every Vote Count

What we need are election rules that encourage voter turnout rather than suppress it.

Nov 16, 2000 / Lani Guinier
