Across the Country, Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Faced Obstacles Across the Country, Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Faced Obstacles
But in southern Brooklyn, they showed they can still swing an election.
Nov 12, 2018 / Richard Salame

Vote Aquí? Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Could Help Determine Congress Vote Aquí? Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Could Help Determine Congress
A joint Investigative Fund–Nation exposé shows that language accommodation for voting (or the lack thereof) could swing 20 congressional elections.
Nov 5, 2018 / Richard Salame

Why the Supreme Court’s Voter-Purge Ruling Is So Damaging Why the Supreme Court’s Voter-Purge Ruling Is So Damaging
The Husted decision fuels the GOP voter-suppression campaign—but citizens have a chance to fight back in this fall’s midterms.
Jun 20, 2018 / John Nichols

Democrats’ New Midterm Approach: It’s the Corruption, Stupid Democrats’ New Midterm Approach: It’s the Corruption, Stupid
A new strategy attacks both Trump’s economic heists and the influence peddlers swarming the White House.
May 22, 2018 / David Dayen

After Stunning Democratic Win, North Dakota Republicans Suppressed the Native American Vote After Stunning Democratic Win, North Dakota Republicans Suppressed the Native American Vote
A district court ruled against the state’s voter-ID law in April—but with midterms looming, the fight for Native voting rights isn’t over yet.
May 2, 2018 / Roey Hadar

American Democracy Is Now Under Siege by Both Cyber-Espionage and GOP Voter Suppression American Democracy Is Now Under Siege by Both Cyber-Espionage and GOP Voter Suppression
The same Republicans who benefited from Russian hacking in the 2016 election have been suppressing the vote for years.
Jul 12, 2017 / Feature / Ari Berman

The Trump Administration’s Voter-Suppression Plans Are Backfiring Badly The Trump Administration’s Voter-Suppression Plans Are Backfiring Badly
In an unprecedented show of bipartisan resistance, 48 states are refusing to hand over private voter data to Kris Kobach.
Jul 5, 2017 / Ari Berman

Could This Put an End to Gerrymandering? Could This Put an End to Gerrymandering?
The Fair Representation Act, introduced today in the House of Representatives, would allow everyone to have a say in our democracy.
Jun 26, 2017 / Anita Earls

North Carolina Is Once Again Found Guilty of Discriminating Against Black Voters North Carolina Is Once Again Found Guilty of Discriminating Against Black Voters
The Supreme Court strikes down two of the state’s congressional districts as unconstitutional racial gerrymanders.
May 22, 2017 / Ari Berman

Jeff Sessions Has Spent His Whole Career Opposing Voting Rights Jeff Sessions Has Spent His Whole Career Opposing Voting Rights
Imagine what he will do as the most powerful lawyer in the country.
Jan 10, 2017 / Ari Berman