Democracy Wins One as a Federal Court Strikes a Big Blow Against Gerrymandering Democracy Wins One as a Federal Court Strikes a Big Blow Against Gerrymandering
A game-changing federal-court ruling orders Wisconsin to redraw legislative district lines that unfairly and unconstitutionally favor Republicans.
Jan 27, 2017 / John Nichols

‘The Economist’ Just Downgraded the US From a ‘Full Democracy’ to a ‘Flawed Democracy’ ‘The Economist’ Just Downgraded the US From a ‘Full Democracy’ to a ‘Flawed Democracy’
And the problem is a lot bigger than Donald Trump.
Jan 26, 2017 / John Nichols

Has America Ever Elected a ‘Legitimate’ President? Has America Ever Elected a ‘Legitimate’ President?
Given how hard it is to vote, and how actively some states discourage voting, America elects legal presidents—but not legitimate ones.
Jan 21, 2017 / Rev. Jesse L. Jackson

Barack Obama Leaves as He Arrived: An Optimist Calling Us to Defend and Extend Democracy Barack Obama Leaves as He Arrived: An Optimist Calling Us to Defend and Extend Democracy
In the spirit of Tom Paine, Obama promises that the future is ours. “We just have to fight for it!”
Jan 20, 2017 / John Nichols

Can Democrats Count on Demographic Shifts to Put Them Back in Power? Can Democrats Count on Demographic Shifts to Put Them Back in Power?
Has the “rising American majority” merely been delayed by a black swan election? Or does Trump’s victory mean something else is going on?
Jan 18, 2017 / Joshua Holland

Jeff Sessions Claims to Be a Champion of Voting Rights, but His Record Suggests Otherwise Jeff Sessions Claims to Be a Champion of Voting Rights, but His Record Suggests Otherwise
He would be one of the most dangerous attorneys general in modern US history.
Jan 11, 2017 / Ari Berman

Jeff Sessions Has Spent His Whole Career Opposing Voting Rights Jeff Sessions Has Spent His Whole Career Opposing Voting Rights
Imagine what he will do as the most powerful lawyer in the country.
Jan 10, 2017 / Ari Berman

Sherrod Brown Is the First Senator to Say ‘No’ to Jeff Sessions Sherrod Brown Is the First Senator to Say ‘No’ to Jeff Sessions
“I have serious concerns that Senator Sessions’ record on civil rights is at direct odds with the task of promoting justice and equality for all.”
Jan 9, 2017 / John Nichols

Why the Green Party Continues to Demand Presidential Recounts Why the Green Party Continues to Demand Presidential Recounts
And how we are working to make our electoral system work for all of us.
Dec 21, 2016 / David Cobb

Putin Didn’t Undermine the Election—We Did Putin Didn’t Undermine the Election—We Did
Our election system is embarrassing not for anything Putin allegedly did. Leaders of both parties, if they had any concern for the republic, would move expeditiously to reform our ...
Nov 29, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel