Inside the Chelsea Manning Trial: Is WikiLeaks a Journalistic Outfit? Inside the Chelsea Manning Trial: Is WikiLeaks a Journalistic Outfit?
A new graphic novel documents the intense legal wranglings inside one of the most important trials of the Internet age.
Jun 9, 2014 / Clark Stoeckley

Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, the New Dissidents? Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, the New Dissidents?
The United States is no Soviet Union—and yet it has set up machinery that satisfies certain tendencies that are in the genetic code of totalitarianism.
Sep 4, 2013 / Jonathan Schell

WikiLeaks: The Latin America Files WikiLeaks: The Latin America Files
As Ecuador grants asylum to Julian Assange, here is a closer look at Cablegate in Latin America.
Jul 25, 2012 / Feature / Peter Kornbluh

How WikiLeaks Revitalized Brazil’s Media How WikiLeaks Revitalized Brazil’s Media
Cablegate did not just reveal secrets, it inspired a new culture of investigative journalism.
Jul 25, 2012 / Feature / Natalia Viana

WikiLeaks and the War on Drugs WikiLeaks and the War on Drugs
Cablegate revealed just how far the US goes to drive Mexico’s counternarcotics operations.
Jul 25, 2012 / Feature / Blanche Petrich Moreno