Styles of Radical Will Styles of Radical Will
One of South America's most brilliantly talented filmmakers has made a political road movie: the story of a young man who sets out on a journey of discovery and self-discovery th...
Sep 16, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
Of Human Bondage Of Human Bondage
In the sequence of revolutions that remade the Atlantic world between 1776 and 1825, the Haitian Revolution is rarely given its due, yet without it the progressive credentials of...
Sep 16, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Robin Blackburn
Difficult Loves Difficult Loves
It wasn't until 1996, when President Bill Clinton declared April to be National Poetry Month, that the eminent translator and poet Richard Howard truly grasped the significance o...
Sep 16, 2004 / Books & the Arts / John Palattella
Bush’s Useful Idiot Bush’s Useful Idiot
Four years ago, Ralph Nader justified his third-party campaign on the grounds that the two parties represented nothing more than "Tweedledum and Tweedledee." As Americans die by ...
Sep 16, 2004 / Column / Eric Alterman
All Creatures Great and Small All Creatures Great and Small
It was an odd dream: The Bush twins were ten feet tall and peering in my window. They were snickering. "We had a hamster too..." they were saying, as though it were the merriest ...
Sep 16, 2004 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Letter From Afghanistan Letter From Afghanistan
The strange story of the Herati shelter girls shows the limits of "liberation."
Letter From Poland Letter From Poland
Bush has managed to puncture Poles' image of America as essentially good.
Supporting the Troops, Doubting the War Supporting the Troops, Doubting the War
Iraq is changing lives and political sentiments in a small Midwest town.
Sep 16, 2004 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky
Letter From Ground Zero Letter From Ground Zero
Why does the United States--born in a people's war for national independence from the greatest empire of its time--have such a difficult time understanding the people's wars of i...
Sep 16, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Jonathan Schell
A Short History of Someone Who Failed to Get Into the Champagne Unit of the Texas Air National Guard in 1968 A Short History of Someone Who Failed to Get Into the Champagne Unit of the Texas Air National Guard in 1968
I wasn't really for the war. But all my kin, in wars before, Had gone when called. I couldn't flee. No, Canada was not for me. Another thing that I was not
Sep 16, 2004 / Column / Calvin Trillin