The Fog of Cop-Out The Fog of Cop-Out
My dear friend and late Nation colleague Andrew Kopkind liked to tell how, skiing in Aspen at the height of the Vietnam War, he came round a bend and saw another skier, Defense S...
Jan 22, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Alexander Cockburn
On Paul O’Neill’s Revelation That the Bushmen Were Planning A War With Iraq From The Earliest Days of The Administration On Paul O’Neill’s Revelation That the Bushmen Were Planning A War With Iraq From The Earliest Days of The Administration
It now appears that they saw 9/11 As, even though not quite ordained in heaven To punish godless sins allowed in bed (As Falwell and Pat Robertson had said),
Jan 22, 2004 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Nation Notes Nation Notes
Readers consistently rate the environment as one of their greatest concerns.
Jan 22, 2004 / The Editors
The Once-Green GOP The Once-Green GOP
"The environment is probably the single issue on which Republicans in general--and President Bush in particular--are most vulnerable." So asserted Frank Luntz, a leading Republic...
Jan 22, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Mark Hertsgaard
Paul O’Neill, Truth-Teller Paul O’Neill, Truth-Teller
For those with a taste for learning the inner truth about White House politics, reading Paul O'Neill's story is like eating a bowl of peanuts--difficult to stop.
Jan 22, 2004 / Books & the Arts / William Greider
The Iowa Surprise The Iowa Surprise
Everything about Howard Dean's "Iowa Perfect Storm" strategy seemed to go perfectly, right up to the point at which Iowans actually started voting in the first-in-the-nation cauc...
Jan 22, 2004 / John Nichols
Thirty-One Years of Freedom Thirty-One Years of Freedom
On the 31th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the number of US abortion providers has fallen to its lowest level in three decades, a trend many physicians ascribe to a hostile politica...
Jan 22, 2004 / Peter Rothberg
Bush’s Stump Speech Bush’s Stump Speech
George W. Bush's State of the Union speech clearly signaled that he plans to run as a wartime, prosperity candidate.
Jan 22, 2004 / The Editors