
Facing the Human Rights Abyss Facing the Human Rights Abyss

A report on the state of global human rights.

Dec 10, 2003 / Feature / Roger Normand

GOP Must Get Off the Dime GOP Must Get Off the Dime

Nancy Reagan is right-on for blasting proposal to replace FDR with her Ronnie.

Dec 10, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer

Down at the Mall Down at the Mall

Looking for serious sweatshop alternatives? Check out, the new virtual union mall. Claiming to be "the first and only mall in the world where you can't find on...

Dec 10, 2003 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Abortion Distortion Abortion Distortion

Lawmakers who passed the so-called partial birth abortion ban are far removed from women's lives.

Dec 8, 2003 / Feature / Rebecca Ayrey

San Francisco Showdown San Francisco Showdown

San Francisco is a city, so it should come as no surprise that the two candidates in Tuesday's runoff for mayor of America's left-coast city are pretty much summed up by t...

Dec 8, 2003 / John Nichols

Building A Progressive Majority Building A Progressive Majority

It's no secret that progressives need to build a stronger political infrastructure if we're going to achieve an enduring majority for positive change in this country. After all, ...

Dec 7, 2003 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Debating Media Ownership–Dec. 15 Debating Media Ownership–Dec. 15

Capitol Hill observers say that media ownership has been the second most discussed issue by constituents in 2003, trailing only the war on Iraq. This is a remarkable turnaround f...

Dec 7, 2003 / Peter Rothberg

Gonzalez for Mayor Gonzalez for Mayor

Matt Gonzalez, San Francisco's Green candidate for mayor, is trying to put an end to the forty-year grip the Democrats have held over the city's electoral politics and become the...

Dec 5, 2003 / Feature / Kevin McCarthy

McCarthy’s (and Ashcroft’s) Nemesis McCarthy’s (and Ashcroft’s) Nemesis

In the summer of 1951, Senator Joe McCarthy's burgeoning red scare had intimidated not just official Washington but the nation's media. Free speech was taking a hit everywhere, bu...

Dec 5, 2003 / John Nichols

Protesting to Protect the Constitution Protesting to Protect the Constitution

Three states (Alaska, Arizona and Hawaii) and 219 cities, towns and counties have passed anti-Patriot Act resolutions, ordinances or ballot initiatives. Hundreds more are in prog...

Dec 4, 2003 / The Nation
