Where’s the Leadership? Where’s the Leadership?
Read the New York Times' article (" Democratic Lawmakers Keep Their Heads Down While Letting the Generals Speak Out") for clues about what's wrong with the opposition party in th...
Apr 4, 2003 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Saving Brain Cells With Boondocks Saving Brain Cells With Boondocks
I love Aaron McGruder's strip The Boondocks. Last Sunday, as I watched the parade of talk shows and listened to the "sabbath gasbags," (props to Calvin Trillin for that delightfu...
Apr 4, 2003 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
The Pentagon’s (CIA) Man in Iraq The Pentagon’s (CIA) Man in Iraq
Toward the start of the second Persian Gulf War, I found myself in a room with R. James Woolsey, CIA chief during the first two years of the Clinton adminis...
Apr 4, 2003 / David Corn
George Bush–True Believer George Bush–True Believer
In 1951, American social philosopher Eric Hoffer published The True Believer, his first and most influential book. In it he portrayed political fanatics as people who embrace a ...
Apr 4, 2003 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
War with Syria? Iran? No Way, Say Brits War with Syria? Iran? No Way, Say Brits
Americans who have tried to get the Bush Administration to listen to their concerns regarding war with Iraq will sympathize with the millions of British citizens who have expresse...
Apr 3, 2003 / John Nichols

Rumsfeld Should Go Rumsfeld Should Go
This editorial was originally published in the April 21, 2003 issue of The Nation.
Apr 3, 2003 / The Editors
Lawyers Keep Out Lawyers Keep Out
Because September 11 "changed everything," it hasn't always been easy to find an objective yardstick by which to judge the Bush Administration's tactics in the "war on terroris...
Apr 3, 2003 / David Cole
The Washington Wars The Washington Wars
By the start of the third week of war, Bush was bogged down in Mesopotamia and Washington.
Apr 3, 2003 / David Corn
TV’s Conflicted Experts TV’s Conflicted Experts
Perhaps Americans can be excused for imagining that "regime change" in Iraq would be a cakewalk.
Apr 3, 2003 / Daniel Benaim, Priyanka Motaparthy, and Vishesh Kumar
Passings Passings
In its tribute to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who died on March 26, The Economist mentions that his office washroom displayed a framed cover of the September 22, 1979, issue of Th...
Apr 3, 2003 / The Editors