Voices of the Street Voices of the Street
Even before the crucial February 14 meeting of the Security Council (after this issue went to press), a significant milestone was reached in the form of the proposal by France,...
Feb 13, 2003 / The Editors
Filibustering on Estrada Filibustering on Estrada
Few of George W. Bush's judicial nominees have generated as much opposition as has Miguel Estrada.
Feb 13, 2003 / John Nichols
Republic or Empire? Republic or Empire?
As the senior American diplomat in Baghdad during Desert Shield, I advocated a muscular US response to Saddam's brutal annexation of Kuwait in flagrant violation of the United ...
Feb 13, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Joseph Wilson
Back to Segregation Back to Segregation
Sit in classrooms, eat in lunchrooms, romp on playgrounds and wander the hallways in randomly selected public schools in America: It's right here, in the nation's increasingly ...
Feb 13, 2003 / Gary Orfield and Susan Eaton
The Supermax Solution The Supermax Solution
The billboard at the east entrance to the remote rural village of Tamms, Illinois, reads "Tamms: The First Super Max," and below, in lowercase letters, "a good place to live." ...
Feb 13, 2003 / Regan Good
We Speak Not of Osama We Speak Not of Osama
NOTE: Because of an editorial error, last week's poem was incorrectly printed. This is a corrected version. Our apologies to Calvin Trillin (and to Cole Porter). --The Editors
Feb 13, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Code Orange Code Orange
The whole sad, messy world was on Code Orange alert on the day I left for England.
Feb 13, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Venezuela’s Media Coup Venezuela’s Media Coup
Poor Endy Chávez, outfielder for the Navegantes del Magallanes, one of Venezuela's big baseball teams. Every time he comes up to bat, the local TV sportscasters start in...
Feb 13, 2003 / Column / Naomi Klein
The Great ‘Intelligence’ Fraud The Great ‘Intelligence’ Fraud
Events do rush by us in a blur, I know, but let's not abandon Secretary of State Colin Powell's February 5 UN speech to the graveyard of history without one last backward glanc...
Feb 13, 2003 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

The Case Against the War The Case Against the War
The revival of nuclear danger means we have already lost, whatever happens later.
Feb 13, 2003 / Feature / Jonathan Schell