Greens, Dems Don’t Dig Dugger Greens, Dems Don’t Dig Dugger
Sonoma, Calif.
Jan 15, 2003 / Alexander Cockburn, Our Readers, and Ronnie Dugger
Cities For Peace Cities For Peace
As the troop buildup continues, the antiwar movement has gone from emerging to here. Ruth Rosen was particularly optimistic in an op-ed in yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle. The...
Jan 14, 2003 / Peter Rothberg
Class Warfare By (Fuzzy) Numbers Class Warfare By (Fuzzy) Numbers
How does he do it? Every day Ari Fleischer takes the stand--so to speak--but, luckily for him, it's not under oath. That is, he provides a briefing in the W...
Jan 14, 2003 / David Corn
Bush Doesn’t Want Good News Bush Doesn’t Want Good News
Headlines tell us that United Nations arms inspectors have failed to find a "smoking gun" in their ongoing, unimpeded search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Jan 14, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer
George W. Lieberman George W. Lieberman
If there was one thing that rational political observers agreed upon after last November's Democratic debacle, it was that Democrats need to do a much better job of distinguishing...
Jan 13, 2003 / John Nichols
War is Not Inevitable War is Not Inevitable
Regardless of the outcome of weapons inspections, the Bush Administration seems poised to soon launch an invasion of Iraq. Join Tony Kushner, Katha Pollitt , Janeane Garofalo...
Jan 10, 2003 / Peter Rothberg
Axis of Incoherence Axis of Incoherence
Axis of Incoherence The burgeoning Far East crisis has exposed the bankruptcy of US Korea policy.
Jan 9, 2003 / The Editors
Memo to the Democrats Memo to the Democrats
If Congressional Democrats want to be more than George W.
Jan 9, 2003 / John Nichols
Long Live the Estate Tax! Long Live the Estate Tax!
There is a stunning disconnect between the terrible budget shortfalls facing states and localities and the priorities of federal tax-cutters. States face budget deficits of mor...
Jan 9, 2003 / Bill Gates Sr. and Chuck Collins